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Recent Blog Posts

Pumpkinhead's Perpetual Yard Sale

thinkthrice's picture

Pumpkinhead (OSS stb 28) I've noticed is constantly running a yard sale.  I'm not sure how they accumulated so much stuff at this young age but I know that the Girhippo is a pig and a hoarder.  "Everything Must Go" is the theme of the day.

If you can recall he most recently asked Mr Not So Neutral (Chef's half bro) about electrical repairs at Pumpkinhead's house.  Of course,  Mr Not So Neutral knows nothing about electrical work as he works in a landfill but tried to refer Pumpkinhead to Chef which irritated Chef (and me) to no end as they have been estranged for 15 years now.

SD cant let it go

Little Type Amy's picture

I normally don't read DH's texts, but his phone went off while he was mowing the lawn. I rarely pay attention, but thought it was it might have been an emergency about my MIL or somethig urgent. I happened to see it was a text from SD29 still begging how she wishes Amy would "grow with her"  and feel differently about her. This was from the same person who begged me to get close and move forward...only to end up blocking me Mid conversation on FB ( im still blocked( once I clearly said that i have no issue being polite and civiil, but was uncomfortable going any further.

IGNORE, IGNORE - we’re getting together

step-out's picture

Come on! I have mainly been ignoring the "group text" messages. Look what I did, here's a picture of me doing something amazing, But.... nope, DH says we're going to get together this weekend which, unfortunately I can't step away from without causing a big scene. How do I IGNORE, IGNORE.. if SD is right in front of my face hugging Dear Daddy and muttering Love messages every ten minutes? Ugh, my gut is already twisting thinking about it. 

Shorthand and abbreviations

HardlyZen's picture

Hi, I'm a newbie, just getting started. Before I can fully make sense of what everyone is talking about I need to know what all the abbreviations and shorthand text means. I've added some assumptions and a few of my own, for laughs. More importantly, I'd like to know if these are correct or not.


SK - Step Kids?

SS - Step Son?

SD - Step Daughter?

BS - Biological Son?

BD - Biological daughter?

DH - Dickhead Husband? 

FF - Fuck Face?

CB - Crazy Bitch?

SFB - Shit for Brains? 

SSD - SS with a Disability


Update on SKs on vacation.

RockyRoads's picture

They are home. SO asked them yesterday to go to eat with him for his birthday. They said no. Today he asked them to come down to have some food on the grill they said no. SS then called and asked to be taken somewhere and SO stopped what he was doing and did it.  He said this it not how I wanted to be able to see SS but what can he do. He said this is how it works for a divorced dad. I am sad for him and I am so angry at him for how he acts. 

Crossing my chubhy little fingers

JRI's picture

We subsidize SD61Grifter's housing expense.  I hate it but its been worth it to get her out of my house 8 years ago.  I've thought and wondered for ages how to end it.  Last time we circled around the topic a couple years ago, The Grifter burst into tears, ran to the bathroom and DH87 turned on me and said, "Now she's going to kill herself!"

Should I allow adult skid plus family to sleep over?

SMto3's picture

The tenants I had in my home decided to leave for another state, so we moved back into our home. It's been okay, DH has been gone trucking again but he's here for the week. I'm having a belated birthday celebration for him today and invited SS24 and SS19. To recap for those of you who aren't familiar with my story, DH had custody of his first 2 kids from when they were about 5 and 10, and I came into the picture 2 years later. We didn't have the best relationship, and SS24 was forced out (by me as the driving factor) because he wouldn't save to leave and he didn't respect the house rules.
