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Pumpkinhead's Perpetual Yard Sale

thinkthrice's picture

Pumpkinhead (OSS stb 28) I've noticed is constantly running a yard sale.  I'm not sure how they accumulated so much stuff at this young age but I know that the Girhippo is a pig and a hoarder.  "Everything Must Go" is the theme of the day.

If you can recall he most recently asked Mr Not So Neutral (Chef's half bro) about electrical repairs at Pumpkinhead's house.  Of course,  Mr Not So Neutral knows nothing about electrical work as he works in a landfill but tried to refer Pumpkinhead to Chef which irritated Chef (and me) to no end as they have been estranged for 15 years now.

Pumpkinhead and his wife bought an overpriced house 2 years ago shortly after getting married.    Meanwhile the Girhippo has completely removed StepDaddyBigBucks link in her social media account as her spouse and has had a photo of the three grown ferals as her profile photo for ages.

I reckon that Pumpkinhead has learned that homeownership is not as cheap as he thought it would be.  I also prognosticate that now that StepDaddyBigBucks is getting to be at retirement age, the Girhippo has little use for him when he stops his W2 job while she is still working.



MissK03's picture

Is it a combined yard sale with Girhippo? At 28 not sure what you really could be selling... 

thinkthrice's picture

Not even a street sale!  Looking at the photos is mostly junk and pet toys.

Harry's picture

People throw away good stuff. Pumpkinhead takes them. Then has a yard sale. Or puts then on eBay .  People will get tired of a yaedsake per month.  Most town have laws against this.  You are only alowed one or fwo yard sake per year . Neighbor don't like you running a business next to there house. They want you to rent a store and do business the right paying tax way 

thinkthrice's picture

Pumpkinhead was selling brand new furniture shortly after the Animal Torturer started working for Ashley furniture.

Rags's picture

My guess, he surfs the curbs on big barbage day and collects furniture, etc... for his eternal yard sale.

When I was working as a licensed insurance catastrophe adjuster there was a group in Fla that did this. One of them owned a warehouse. They would collect water soaked furniture m appliances, etc... from the massive piles of stuff removed from flooded homes and then either donate them to charitable organizations for the tax write off or dry them out and sell them.  They got nailed eventually.