JRI's Blog
Past and future
I'm 80 but have had two glimpses of the future lately. My grandson showed up with his Tesla and took me for a ride where I was terrified by him not driving the car. It even parked itself! Then, we ate at a restaurant where a robot brought our food. Heaven only knows what the future will bring.
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Getting ready for the big one - update
SD63 asked to come over this morning to update me on her situation. This was so ominous, I've been dreading it all week.
Guess what? She never showed and didn't call. What a relief!
When she was here several days ago, she went through a long detailed organ recital about many serious conditions. When she asked to come over, I said I hoped it wasn't about money cuz I was tapped out. So, all week, I've been wondering, if its not health or money, what else? I know she has probs with all 3 of her kids but DH87 and I always refuse to get involved.
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Getting ready for the big one
As expected, SS63 called requesting her Christmas $ early due to "bills, car trouble and my anxiety". So, she came over yesterday.
She sat down and started her organ recital. Then she asked if she could come over sometime and talk to me to let me know what's going on. (My body said "Alarm, Alarm"). I said okay but I hope it wasn't about money cuz I'm about tapped out with Christmas and our real estate taxes are due. She said, oh, no (a probable lie). She started to talk about her recent flurry of medical tests
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Gifts for parents and grandparents
I posted gift suggestions for older adults last year but here it is again for new members. DH87 and I 79 have all the "things" we need and, actually, we are trying to unload stuff on our poor kids, lol. We still live independently in a middle class suburb. I've also included suggestions other Steptalkers added last year. Please feel free to add more.
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Crossing my chubhy little fingers
We subsidize SD61Grifter's housing expense. I hate it but its been worth it to get her out of my house 8 years ago. I've thought and wondered for ages how to end it. Last time we circled around the topic a couple years ago, The Grifter burst into tears, ran to the bathroom and DH87 turned on me and said, "Now she's going to kill herself!"
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SD61 was here today
SD61 came over to give DH87 a birthday gift. He was looking forward to her visit. We've recently been discussing the need for cleaning help and I agreed to give her a chance. I really want a professional but he wants to give her an opportunity to earn the $ and I agree she's very clean. I had reservations about her health but thought we'd see. We planned to discuss with her today
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Having trouble figuring it out - Update
I posted last month about my ambivalence about meeting with SD62:s daughters, C and M, and their kids as each had suggested. DH86 had recently had words with M after SD62's latest $ emergency. He had suggested SD62 call her kids rather than him and she had done so, showing up at her son's work and causing a scene. She is now banned from that site.
DH86 spoke calmly with M that day but afterwards, said he was done with her. So, when I told him i was meeting with her and the kids, he said he'd be asleep.
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Having trouble figuring it out
SD62 has 2 adult daughters, C and M, and both have 2 kids. Each has reached out individually and want to meet up this summer. M and I talked a few months ago about taking her kids to a children's museum. Last night, C suggested coming over one day, bringing lunch and us sitting on the porch drinking wine and eating lunch.
I'm flattered and grateful that they want to see us. I know they like to see DH who was a witty, fun grandpa to them. C seems to remember the cooky baking sessions and would like for her sons to enjoy it, too.
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SD62's medical
SD62 is on disability and is also a drama queen. She has legitimate medical issues but because she exaggerates and lies so often, it's hard to determine the truth.
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Annual message: Prepare for Mother's Day
Mothers Day is one of those potential emotional bomb fields for stepmoms, especially those with the stepkids living with them full time. In the perfect world, we'd receive some flowers and a nice card with a few kind words. Too often, nothing. I'm sure none of us are greedy for gifts, we just want some acknowledgment and thanks one day of the year for performing the difficult task of raising a child who isn't ours.
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