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Shorthand and abbreviations

HardlyZen's picture

Hi, I'm a newbie, just getting started. Before I can fully make sense of what everyone is talking about I need to know what all the abbreviations and shorthand text means. I've added some assumptions and a few of my own, for laughs. More importantly, I'd like to know if these are correct or not.


SK - Step Kids?

SS - Step Son?

SD - Step Daughter?

BS - Biological Son?

BD - Biological daughter?

DH - Dickhead Husband? 

FF - Fuck Face?

CB - Crazy Bitch?

SFB - Shit for Brains? 

SSD - SS with a Disability

SDD - SD with a Disability?

EW - Ex Wife?

EH - Ex Husband?


SO - Super Orgasm?

OT - Over the Top?

How did I go? Any more I need to know?



AlmostGone834's picture

Here are some corrections

Skids - step kids

SO - significant other 

DH - Darling husband, though your definition may fit better in some cases lol

FF - "feral forger", one of the poster's nickname for her oldest step daughter

OT- off-topic


ESMOD's picture

I think SSD and SDD would be Step son's daughter.. and stepdaughter's daughter.. (referring to step grandkids)

There is also 

HCBM (high conflict bio mother).

GUBM (golden uterus BM)

and most importantly for many people..

STBX (soon to be EX.. for those people that have a situation that they can't live with or change)

CLove's picture

Super funny Biggrin

Rags's picture

There are a number of common acronyms and fairly regularly someone will inject a new one.

XW/XH are pretty obvious.

SKid = StepKid.  

SP/SParent = StepParent. SF/SM = StepFather/StepMom.

BK = BioKid.

DS/DD = DearSon/DearDaughter.

GSKid is also fairly obvious. GrandSKid.  This can refer to any flavor of GSkid bred by any flavor of SKid.  

You pick them all up fairly quickly as you engage in the community.

Welcome and enjoy the ride.