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I'm not venting b/c I knew this would happen. Ss is 12, highly ill mannered, doesn't appreciate anything, and treats everyone like shit, and walks around like we just have to accept it.
Last March bm bought ss a razr when they were $300, only for him to lose it while grandma washed it in her laundry. Even then, bm stated this was the only one she was buying him, and if he ruined it or lost it, he was out a cell phone. That lasted a whopping 2 months. So tonight, ss called dh to let him know he got another razr.
On sunday BM called saying that SD had been a total nightmare at her house. BM claims that SD was throwing fits constantly. According to BM, SD threw a plate and broke it, pulled BM's hair and hit her, and was screaming and crying for 45 mins throwing toys and other things. Now this is VERY hard for me to believe as I have NEVER seen this type of behavior from my SD and I am the one who watches her all the time.
Today I'm feeling so much better. The last two days I thought I stepped right into the twilight zone. While leaving work I always call my husband to let him know I'm on my way home (he cooks dinner). He was also on his way home and he told me not to worry about picking up the boys, he would do it. He said just go home have some time to yourself. I was shocked, he hasn't acted like that for over a year now.
My daughter is a step-daughter (common-law) and as her Bio-mom and his X..it gives me a slightly different perspective than when I'm on the recieving end as a step-mom. My daughter did an "all about me" assignment which I looked over this morning. She listed me,dad, sDAd, brother, 2 Ssisters and her dog.......she did not include Dad's live-in GF (1 1/2 yrs now) common-law spouse. Everyone else was there and she was quite obviously excluded!! (Welcome to my world as a SM)
After 7 yrs of being w/my husband and stepson in my life...tonight was the night that I realize that I cannot or will not bond w/stepson. Not that I haven't tried at all, I've tried many times to talk to him, but I literally have to force myself to do so. I don't know what it is, is it because I resent him being in my life? I see his mother when I see his face and I just get sick to my stomach. Sometimes he acts like his mother, talks down to my daughter and that makes it worse. I never told my husband how I feel because it will just break his heart. I don't plan on telling him.
My Husband and I have been together for six years. He has a son that he shares custody of with his ex. I have no children of my own and we have no children together, that is why my ss means the world to me.
I really don't know how to begin this entry. My ss and I had a huge arguement last night while his dad was at work. He has a bad habit of never being able to do what I ask him to do, at least not the right way. It's almost as if he screws things up just to push my buttons. So I called him out on this and he's says he doesn't know why he doesn't like to do what I tell him. Now, I do the biggest amount of telling him what to do and what is expected of him because his dad works at night and is only here with the kids on the weekends.
The information below is a repost of what brought me to this site in the first place…now the time is coming around again for my daughter a’s birthday and I’m feeling all the same feelings that I did when I came looking for help/advice…I never got a reply to the post below so I’m hoping that someone can give me their honest perspective on the issue…also, I’m debating how I want to handle the whole birthday issue being that daughter a’s birthday is coming up in a month....(I’m a planner :O} ) and I want to start to finalize some plans…THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!
The last time SS was here, bf sat down with him and talked about things that biomom claims were bothering SS, which then led to other topics related to biomom, dad, me, and the situation as a whole. The conversation went very well! I was suprised and relieved at the outcome...
Biomom has been claiming that SS has nightmares related to and because of me. Any time he has to be around me, she says, the nightmares are worse. Well, bf sat down with SS and asked him what his nightmares were about. You'll never guess.
Well we have another "grown-up" function coming up on Saturday..the usual group of Fire Fighter association members, (will also include many of our card playing/dart group as some are members & some will be guests).
Guess who invited SD & fiance....? He is the ONLY one who invites his children to these adult/peer/co-worker functions.
I thought given the recent trouble .. that it could be a night for US to get out, socialize with our peers...