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Should we tell her personally or wait till second trimester and expect for ss to break the news?

skye22's picture

We have decided to have another baby. We already have a 1 year old son together. With him we told "her" a few months into the pregnancy. She did everything possible to make our life hell during that time. She drug us through court and fought with us constantly about trivial things. I really think that it was jelousy. I just don't know what to do. I almost want to wait till like 6 or 7 months into the pregnancy to even tell my stepson. Because I know that he will tell her and I really don't need the stress at such a fragile state.

Desperate Housewives + a stepfamily dynamic…

Nise's picture

Okay I hate to do it but I HAVE to go here….LOL…does anyone watch Desperate Housewives? I was just reminded (last night) of the season’s cliff hanger and the character Lanette is going to be in for one heck of a Season…just to catch you up, her husband just found out that he has an 11 year old daughter…the biomom is a COMPLETE NUT JOB!!! And used the “back child support” that she basically extorted from them to put a down payment on a house FIVE MINUTES away…so there is now a step family dynamic on Wysteria Lane!!! I can’t wait….

Last night...

Bobbi's picture

Last night, my BF, my BF’s daughter and I went to watch fireworks by boat. We took our boat and met up with several of our friends. When the fireworks display started, my BF was sitting on our sundeck, his daughter was sitting on the backseat and I was standing in between the front seats of the boat. My BF looked around, then looked at his daughter and said, “Why don’t you come and sit next to me?” She responded that she was fine where she was. I was SO HURT. Not that he asked her to sit next to him and not me, but that he didn’t ask both of us.


lovin-life's picture

I can't find where we discussed the possible causes or contributers to ADD.....but I just wanted to tell everyone about this book... It's called ..Healing ADD by Daniel G. Amen MD. It's one of hundreds of books on the subject.....and everyone claims to be an expert...with completley different theories & you have to keep that in mind when you read about ADD....but I did find this one interesting.


The Year From Hell

lylagarrett's picture

This year has positively been the year from HELL for me! I understand that God only puts on you what he thinks you can handle and it all makes you stronger in the end, but I have had enough! I can't take any more!

December 31st, I lost my mother to a pulmonary embolism and lymphoma. January, the hubby's ex-wife took us to court for more child support on his 18 year old daughter and won. We paid a $1500.00 settlement and thought it was over. Then in May or June she filed to DHS that he was a dead beat dad and ended up getting another $6500.00 settlement.

Satan's Sister bought the 12 year his 2nd razr in 6 months!!!

Candice's picture

I'm not venting b/c I knew this would happen. Ss is 12, highly ill mannered, doesn't appreciate anything, and treats everyone like shit, and walks around like we just have to accept it.

Last March bm bought ss a razr when they were $300, only for him to lose it while grandma washed it in her laundry. Even then, bm stated this was the only one she was buying him, and if he ruined it or lost it, he was out a cell phone. That lasted a whopping 2 months. So tonight, ss called dh to let him know he got another razr.
