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Hey guys, I've been struggling w/this feeling of not being able to or how to accept the fact that ex wife will always be in my family's life. I cry at night thinking that it's me that has a problem w/this. I try to put my feelings all together and I feel like I can't accept the fact that we'll be dealing or see my husband deal w/this woman for a long time. I just don't want him talking to her but that's not possible because they have a child together. I feel jealous too. Please help, I don't know what else to do from here on.
I think that would be a good poll question…how many people in the forum believe that the biomom has more “right” to the child then the biofather (given a situation where there are no instances of abuse or neglect from either side)…it seems that that is what the court believes and I am curious how many of us agree with them…
I’m so angry right now! I get home from work and start cleaning the house. My BF and his daughter arrive. My BF goes outside to mow the lawn. I ask his daughter “Hey would you mind doing the dishes for me, I could really use the help.” She says “Sure.” I had two cups and four glasses sitting in the sink that needed to be washed. It took her about five minutes to get them done and then she went outside.
Recently my sd told me that she wanted to join a soccer team, Her wonderful mother told her that she couldn't because they live in the city and it is mostly african american kids on the team and she does not want her to play with "BLACKS" What the hell is wrong with this woman???
X's are a pain in the A$$! I get 2 hours notice that x has decided to move his Wed visit to Tues!!
Son has a wad of birthday money....he just got..good tmime Dad always seems to seize the opportunity to take him out shopping to blow all of it on video games. Which I end up stuck policing on a daily basis...
(Daddy's seen as the good guy who buys them..and I'm seen as the bad guy who takes them away or limits them!!)
My son's in band this year...last year X rented the instrument, etc for our daughter..so he is doing the same for son.
So it's been a while since I've had anything to blog about. Naturally that stems from the simple fact that I hadn't seen my fiancé's son in over a week. Last weekend we were out of town. I've been thinking a lot about the potential issues he may have dealing with loss and having a mother figure on the home. I'm trying really hard to be sensitive to his needs while at the same time remaining focused on my needs within this relationship. Long story short I feel like I was on constant alert this weekend. He goes through great lengths to be by me and it drives me crazy.
Today I got a call from school. The last few days SS has put his head on a teachers breast, which made her uncomfortable. He has been pulling at his privates and now 2 children have complained that he has rubbed up against them in an improper way and they feel uncomfortable.
I told husband to talk with him and see what's going on in his head. Husband says he don't beleive SS knows enough about sex to be doing these things intentionally.
I don't know what to think.
Here I am venting again, Last week sd had a follow up visit at dr. office I posted last week about ex cussing my husband out when he called to remind her...Well my hubby wanted me to call last week to check sd as he had to go to school and would not be home until late so I called spoke to sd grandma (biomom and kids live at home) anyhow sd was finally feeling better I asked about dr appt. she told me that they called dr. office and they told her that they didn't want to see sd if she was sick...WHAT???? its a dr.
I did a horible thing last night and today I feel like a complete ass...
I'm really upset, stepson is so lazy! I asked him to clear the dining room table the other day and he did such a half ass job! He was afraid to touch the dirty dishes and scrape the food off the plate into the trash. Then he left half the stuff on the table and didn't even wipe the table down. Then I find food on the ground next to the rubbish! UGHHH! I made a comment to stepson and I said, "What are you afraid to get your hands dirty? Don't do you do any chores at home?" He didn't say a word. I told my husband, You need to teach him how to clean, he is SLOPPY!