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I have recently been reading a lot of comments about sd and biodads relationships.....
you know the situation where dads are completely tied up in their little princesses to the point where they have no parental authority whatsoever..these children run the show, are subject to no consequences for their actions, and make life a gut-churning melodrama for everyone involved.
Well today I got home and hubby was not home from work yet so I checked cid and saw that sd called but did not leave message which is a little strange she usually leaves 3 or 4 in a row...anyway I spoke to hubby and he will not be home for awhile so I took it upon myself to call sd to make sure everything was ok and to let her know that I would have her dad call her when he got home...Ofcourse biomom answered she said "whats up" I said "not much is sd around" she replied in snotty way "she wanted to talk to her dad" I paused then she said "is he going to her school thing tomorrow?" I said "
I have figured out most of the acronyms on this site - sil, bm, bf, etc., but I can't figure out dh - is this divorced husband?? I thought so until I saw in someone else's blog DD - so what the heck is that??
Things have been really great lately, The ex is leaving us alone and my stepson has been just wonderful. We are finally in a good place. I feel like I have found the balance of being a mom and a wife and a stepmother and all the other hats that I wear. For a very long time I felt out of wack. Now my husband and I are just ready to add another little bundle of joy to our family.
I love the fall and all the holidays coming in the next few months, its my favorite time of the year. And it seems like its gonna be a calm and peacful one!! Just wanted to share my happiness.
The things I do!!! Stepson's Gecko stopped eating. He hasn't eaten for quite awhile. My husband decided that Mr. Gecko needed to go to the vet. I called around until I found one in our area that would see a Gecko and made an appointment for him for last night.
Stepson and I took his Gecko to the vet. The vet decided that they were going to have to de-worm him (yuck!!) Also, he needed more humid air. If he doesn't start eating, he will have to go have blood tests somewhere else. A lizard specialist I guess.
I have a question for the Moms. My BF’s daughter is 13 and will be a Freshman in high school next year. My BF still insists on tucking his daughter into bed and giving her a kiss. I know every parent is different, but my parents stop doing this when I was 11. I still said good night and gave each a hug and kiss before putting myself in bed.
The reason for my concern is that I do not feel she is maturing at a normal rate for a girl her age. She still says stuff like “Duckey and Horsey.” Is this normal?
Sorry I haven't updated, it's just been a whirlwind around here. I met with the surgeon and a total mastectomy of my left breast is mandatory with biopsy of my lymph nodes. My case is so unusual that they really don't know what they are working with, therefore, until after surgery I won't know if is invasive or not. I have decided also to go ahead and have both breasts removed due to a sighting of "cysts" in the right breast. They informed me that the chances of breast cancer returning in the other breast is higher due to my age and already having cancer. I am only 37!
Just to share an experience, I attended my sd wedding a few years back. I really started not to go, but my dh insisted, I went. Some idiot sat my husband and me with his exwife and exsisterinlaw at the rehearsal dinner, at which they took turns making snide remarks that we swallowed and ignored for sake of sd. When I was seated for the wedding I discovered that I had been seated BEHIND my husband (he is walking daughter down the isle) and he was to sit up front with his ex wife!!!
New here to this board, but have been reading all the posts and forums for the past few months. I am a mother to a 10 year old son as well as the girlfriend to a DH who has a psycho ex-wife. Many of the posts I have read have to do with failed expectations, and a lot of assumptions. As one who plans on marrying my DH one day, what advice can everyone give me concerning dealing with the ex-wife, their 3 children, discipline issues, how to interact with his ex and how he interacts with her, etc? I know its a broad subject, but any and all advice is appreciated.
I can't find where this was discussed... Along the lines of ..Us questioning our DH's after they talk to their x wives. What did she want? What did you say to that? etc.... And how they say 'nothing' or don't spill their guts to us alot of the time...(not my situation so much but some of my friends here and home)
WELL...I feel like I walked in thier shoes this weekend!!! I think I know exactly how they feel!!
MY MOTHER IS DOING THIS TO ME MORE & MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! IT is sooooooo annoying!