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A little about me....
We are pregnant! We are sooooo excited!
We have been trying for 14 months, since the birth of our first son together.
Okay, I need some input or advice! My mind is going crazy right now. I'm worried about surgery on Wednesday! Worried about my hubby and son and how they are going to be while I am down after surgery! Now, the ex-wife and her friends are causing trouble on my personal blog. (I think I mentioned this fact in another entry.) Anyway, they are threatening to contact DHS due to my letting my son read my blog. They are also threatening a slander lawsuit. First of all what kind of people can be so cruel?
I have a question for those that were married before... "How did you & your X end up 'dividing or sharing' your mutual friends?"
For all who missed the stepfamily banter last night on Desperate Housewives, here is the exchange that had me cracking up!
Stepmom: There are plenty of things I’d like to say to you that I would never say…like “Shut up you frickin’ whack job!”…I’d never say that to you.
Biomom: So you think I’m crazy?
Stempom: No, I think you’re colorful…Colorful in a way that might respond well to medication.
Recently I posted that bm refused to return ss to us, pulled him out of our school district, enrolled him in hers stating "I know I shouldn't let ss make adult based decisions...but he wants to live with me!" One month later, she breaks up with bf, pulls ss out of school, re-enrolls him in our school again, dumps him off at sil's house for 5 days with no clothes, and didn't attend school for a week, and now bm is back with bf.
I'm dating this guy who had 2 daughters...I have 3. I'm a little apprehensive about blending our families, but then, who wouldn't be??? We're not talking marriage anytime soon, but I'm trying to be as emotionally ready as possible when and if the time does come. His ex is not a nice person and has done some pretty scuzzy things to keep the kids away from him. It didn't work, but it has made his life very difficult at times. Any advice on dealing with psycho exes?
We have been talking about getting married for quite some time. Lately it seems to be coming up a lot more, and I get the feeling that it's going to become "official" pretty soon...I'm so excited! I know that this is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love him, I love his son, and I have come to terms with the idea of having the EX in the picture. Even though she's psycho and will probably never accept me!
I am not a stepmom yet but it may be a possibility. I really do not think I can handle being one and I give a lot of credit to all of the stepmoms out there. I have been with a divorced dad for 7 years now. We were engaged but I got cold feet and put it on the back burner for awhile. It seems to me that his ex likes playing little games to annoy me and let me tell you, she succeeds all of the time.
I have recently been reading a lot of comments about sd and biodads relationships.....
you know the situation where dads are completely tied up in their little princesses to the point where they have no parental authority whatsoever..these children run the show, are subject to no consequences for their actions, and make life a gut-churning melodrama for everyone involved.