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Hard for me to empathize although I do sympathize with you all!!!

Nise's picture

I KNOW that I’m gonna get some serious flack for this…and my intent is not to put any kind of division in the forum b/c I am truly grateful for and appreciate ALL of your perspectives and opinions…they are what get me through the day most days!!! But I’ve been wondering this for a while now (ever since there was a thread a while back about it in which half of the group indicated that this was their situation) and I just have to ask…is there a different dynamic/expectation level when we are talking about marriages that began as adulterous affairs?

Newbie post. First day of school lesson turns into huge fight

KPAYNE's picture

Hi, I am new to this site and have been contimplating posting for a few months and if I ever seem rough it is because I am truly at my brink with things here. I have 2 children and 2 stepkids. One of my kids live with me and the oldest stepson (10) lives with me and my husband (we have been together 3 yrs). His biomom is a real doofus-I mean like a cartoon character! Of course I am expected to make up for her short-comings with his kids.

Uncooperative ex-wife

bubbles's picture

Let me give a little background info, so you can fully understand and offer advice. There's no nice way to say this, but I am the reason by hubby left his wife. The marriage was already doomed but I was the excuse or reason that he left. I mentioned earlier that he has two boys, ages 6 and 10. We have issues with both of them but the older one is a bit more verbal about his feelings. My hubby and I know that alot of his actions are a reflection of his mothers feelings.

Biomom strikes again!

newsm's picture

Well, to preface this a little bit my SD is 13 and has been to 12 different schools and most recently was homeschooled (by me since biomom is in her own words, "too stupid to help her"). Last November, bm pulled SD out of school and told her they were moving yet again. Two days later she changed her mind and told SD that she could do homeschooling for the rest of 7th grade. DH shelled out the money for the program and books and by February not a single lesson had been turned in.

Here Goes Nothing

KeeKee's picture

I'm so happy to have stumbled on this site. I've been living the blended family life style for the past 9 years and during that time I have suffered thru the complete deterioration of my relationship with my SD (who's now 15), clinical depression and a complete sense of loss over the woman I used to be.
I love my husband dearly, but our relationship has taken a horrible pounding. The only thing that I am positive about is the fact that my biokids are doing well (and believe me, raising them in the midst of chaos has been quite challenging)

How do you deal with an ex that doesn't want to deal with you?

bubbles's picture

I have to biological girls, ages 5 and 10, and i have two stepsons ages 6 and 10. I have been married to my husband for 3 years and have yet to have an encounter with his ex-wife. We've (my husband and I) have had many battles together over situations that have come up but never anything directly with her. Is this the typical situation to have an ex completely avoid me?? I don't even go with my husband to drop his children off when they go home. His ex says she doesn't want me there or doesn't want to speak to me...and thats the way its been.

Living with frat boys or ex-wife??? Give me frat boys!

SMIT's picture

Remember how I was all wigged out a few weeks ago because the ex-wife wanted to rent the house across the street from us? Well, it looks and sounds as though the Tappa Kegga Brew fraternity is renting the house. My husband told me about a couple of things he heard and saw while he was outside over the weekend. I told him I'm not above calling the police if things get out of hand. We're paying too much in a mortgage every month to deal with that craziness! (I also know how we could track down the homeowner if necessary.

Here we go again...

Nymh's picture

Every weekend after visitation I can guarantee that I'll get some sort of email or phone call from bio mom. This weekend the email went like this:

From now on I will just pack ss's lunch along with everything else to save you two the hassle of having to feed him. I’d rather pack his lunch than for you to either order food for him or feed him. Stay away from MY son!
