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Melise's picture

Ok so yesterday Biomom calls and asks if she could take SD today for a few hours. She wanted to spend some time one on one with SD. She was obviously feeling guilty about SD being so upset with all the fighting Biomom and her BF were doing.Biomom originally said SD was lying about the fights but it came out later that they were fighting and Biomom moved out because of it. So my hubby & I agreed to let SD go to Biomoms house for a few hours while I went to the barn. So I called Biomom on my way to the barn. Biomom said she didnt have enough gas to meet me somewhere to pick SD up.

I now realize how much husband hates his ex!

happy mom's picture

Like I said I went to stepson's football game this past weekend. I always wondered how my husband and ex are together when they see each other at son's games/practices. After going to his game for the 2nd time in 6 yrs. I realize that husband really hates/can't stand being next to her. He didn't want to sit next to her or even talk to her. When we arrived and we parked next to her car, he didn't even offer to help her carry stuff. He got out of the car, took stepson's bag out of the car and dropped it in her car and started walking to the field.

10-Year-Old Stepdaughter trying to hurt step mom physically

ohmygosh's picture

I am a stepmother of a 10 year old girl. My husband and I have been with each other for about 3 years now.

My stepdaughter has gone from bad to totally out of control. When she is not acting like she is a two year old screaming and crying she is physically trying to harm me. She has gone from putting nails in front of where I would walk when I have no shoes on to trying to break my arm after I just had rotator cuff surgery.

Not my kid!

Juanita's picture

Whew, I am still so glad I found this site. I have a few issues that have been floating around in my head and nobody to talk them out with. Since I've never dated anyone with kids much less been preparing for marriage it's all very complex and confusing. I'm threading on foreign territory here. Sometimes I'm surprised at my reaction to requests from my fiancee regarding his son. He just now sent em an e-mail asking if he could add me as an emergency contact person for his son and I'm irritated by his request.

smothering soon to be SS!

Juanita's picture

My fiance's son is smothering me! He's 6 years old and his mother passed away shortly after his birth. I try to be sensitive to that and understand that he's excited about having me around but his demands for physical affection and closeness is exhausting. He constantly wants to sit by me, hold my hand and is forever trying to be physically close to me. I can't count the number of times I've turned around and tripped over him. I've also gotten compliments from him on my appearance which I find unsettling.

My 7yr old SS is freaking me out!!!!!

Kelly's picture

I've got a 7 3/4yr old stepson who just recently moved in with us. Lately he is making me very uncomfortable. Maybe this is behavior i'm getting ready to explain is not so out of the ordinary. But it just seems soooo bizarre that it is freaking me out!!! My SS has always made comments about me being pretty. I never thought much about it. Then lately over the last few weeks he has been asking me several times a day to rub his back or stomache or legs. I decline and say he is too young to be so achy and go watch tv.

It never ends, does it?

Bobbi's picture

I am so glad I found this sight. I do find comfort in the fact that I am not alone.

Some history, my BF and I have been together for 5 years and he has a 13 year old daughter by his ex-GF. His ex-GF intentionally got pregnant to try to force him to marry her, so there is a lot of bitterness on both sides.

I had never dated anyone who had children before we met and none of my girlfriend's had either, so I really didn't know what I was getting myself into.

"InLaws Stop Asking Me About Stepson!"

happy mom's picture

Just stop asking me all the time as to what is stepson's plan for school breaks.....How the hell would I know, his mother has control of him why ask me! Why do I get this question all the time when school break is coming up and because my daughter is going to visit my inlaws. Don't get me wrong but inlaws are the nicest people but sometimes their questions re: stepson just irritates the shit out of me. I just want to tell them to call his mother yourself and find out.

Ex Name on Checking Account

Gwen's picture

I am so angry I can hardly type. Ten days ago I had a lovely wonderful wedding, and then a fun 6-day trip with my new husband and my skids and my husband's family (who flew a long distance for the wedding -- the trip was my idea and lots of fun). New husband is back at work and I am taking a few extra days off. While going through some papers (of mine) I found some papers of his that I sorted since he had thrown them in my pile. They were already opened, and included information about an account that has his name as well as his ex-wife's name.
