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Dogmom1321's Blog

Random text from SD14

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I have been totally disengaged from SD14 for several years now. Not even a simple greeting or eye contact when she is physically present. Shno longer asks for rides, buying things, etc. 

SD14 sends me a text out of the blue yesterday. "I left a trash bag on the porch. I'll get it when I come back." 

I still had her contact saved in my phone. The last text I saw was 2022. 3 years ago! No happy birthdays, Merry Christmases or anything inbetween. But she randomly texts me about a trash bag???

Resentment is growing for Disney Dad

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SD14 is awful & DH refuses to have a conversation with me about it. (failing grades, disgusting room, disrespect, etc.) He somehow is able to vent to his brother, father, and mother (says the things SD is being difficult with, etc). But if SD14 is ever brought up with ME then DH immediately gets defensive. I am OVER it. 

I outright told him yesterday that he treats SD14 differently. He is so blind he doesn't even see it. It came up because of this:

Toxic SD14 attempts to ruin Christmas Eve

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SD14 and DH had an argument last Friday. It was the last day of school before winter break. She woke up begging DH for "1 more hour of sleep" because she was up all night studying. Fine. An hour goes by and SD14 starts bawling her eyes out to DH of how tired she is because she was "studying". DH said she has D's and F's and can't afford to skip school. SD14 just keeps crying and he finally threw his hands up. Said she needed to call her friend to tell her she is not carpooling in the morning and also needs to call BM so she knows to pick her up from our house and not school. 

DH finally setting boundaries with SD14 and BM!!!

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SD14 had an 8th grade dance this evening. BM went shopping with SD last weekend and they bought a dress together. I think DH agreed to paying for half of it? Not 100% sure if he ended up yet or not. 

Anyway, last night at dinner SD14 reminded DH that the dance will be Friday (today) and that BM will be dropping off the dance. DH asked for details, what time, etc. SD14 then told DH that BM also wants to take pictures after she gets ready. DH said "Well I know where she won't be taking pictures. NOT here!" 

OT: Disengaged Grandparents/In-Laws

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DH's dad lives about 5 hours away and is remarried. Grandparent is early 70s and retired. He constantly complains about not seeing his grandkids. He does not call or Facetime to check on them though. He makes comments to DH such as "I wish we could all go on a beach family vacation." Grandfather continuously guilts DH, even though HE is the one with the flexible schedule and makes no effort. 
