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Dogmom1321's Blog

Annnndddd this is EXACTLY why I disengaged

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Been disengaged from SD13 for about 3 years now. Sometimes DH makes snide comments like "I know you guys (me and SD) don't talk." or "I know you don't have much of a relationship." etc. So I think sometimes it definitely bothers DH that I am staying disengaged. 

Well, SD13 was here all weekend with no plans so DH had the wonderful idea of making us all go grocery shopping and do a CostCo run together Sunday morning... to feed his "one big happy family" fantasy. Literally, the ENTIRE time SD13 has something negative to say. 

SD: "_____ doesn't like me" referring to DS3. 

DH wants SD13 to babysit?!

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I had asked DH a few days prior if he could put DS3 to bed and watch the baby monitor Thursday night. He was a maybe, but said SD13 would be home and she could definitely "babysit." I immediately said, nevermind I'll just cancel my plans. I think DH was offended. Not that I care. He said "SD needs to start taking on more responsibilities." NO WAY I would ever let her solely watch my son. She completely ignores him when they are in the same room together. Typically only in the kitchen when SD13 comes downstairs to get food. They have no relationship & don't interact.

Do you think BM is fishing for a reaction??

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SD13 shared with DH back in Decemeber that BM is pregnant with her BF and having a boy. Ever since then, BM always seems to bring it up when texting with DH... but he never acknowledges it directly with BM.

Examples #1:... BM texted DH asking for Christmas present ideas and the amount of gifts. Proceeded to say "she has enough kids" to buy for. 

#2... BM told DH she needed to change drop off time because she had an "important doctor appt" in the morning. 

Rose Colored Glasses Came Off!

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WOW. I am shocked to tell about the conversation DH and I had yesterday. 

Quick backstory: Been with DH for 8 years and SD is 13. 50/50 CO with BM. Disengaged for my own mental health and to prevent arguments with DH.

I've posted more lately about all the issues with SD13. Vaping, mess of a room, friends over, poor grades, etc. 

DH and I were on the phone otw home from work. Simply asked if SD was going to be at our house this wknd. Change of plans were up in the air earlier in the week. 

BM scheduling activities on DH time

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BM reached out to DH before Christmas and asked what he was getting SD13. He told BM mostly expensive sneakers and clothes. Well, BM decided to get SD13 a guitar and asked DH if he wanted to get her lessons. AT THE TIME, his response was she could watch YouTube videos to get a hang of it first, then maybe look into it. 

Well here we are not even a month later and BM is scheduling lessons on DH time expecting him to take her. BM chose the place and time too of course. Across town at 5:00 for an hour. So long to dinner on Thursday nights I guess. 

SD13 vaping/smoking

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I've had my suspicions for a while now, but I can 100% say SD is vaping/smoking. 

- she sneaks candle lighters in her room

- says she needs incense to burn 

- her BFF got written up at school for smoking in the bathroom 

- said BFF was "hanging out" in SDs room today and when they left I noticed her bedroom window was open (it's 30 degrees outside in the middle of winter) 


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Any New Years resolutions (step related or otherwise) anyone would like to share?

Mine: To completely ignore BM.

I've been disengaged from SD13 for a while and had little to zero interaction with BM the last couple of years. She recently "announced" a new pregnancy and I found myself curious/puzzled about BMs situation when SD has brought it up. 

HCMB Pregnancy Announcement

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SD13 told DH a while ago that BM was pregnant. BM made her "announcement" on FB and SD said it was a boy due around May/June I think. 

This will be BMs THIRD baby daddy (not married either). She has a 19 y/o son. SD13 (with DH). And now a baby boy on the way with a different Dad. 

BM has claimed in the past that she want to move back to her home state. And do more travel nursing to "see the world." Well guess that won't be happening anytime soon. Bady Daddy also has his own kid he shares custody of. 

Two Faced SD13

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SD13 is so two faced! She has always been manipulative and it has just gotten worse as she has gotten older. And I must admit, I almost fall for it sometimes. 

Over dinner last night, SD13 proceeds to bring up BM and says how she can't stand her. She gets on her nerves. Doesn't want to live with her etc. I totally ignore the comments. DH sometimes plays into it but last night he didn't respond with anything either, just moved the conversation on. 

Teen SD Expenses?

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Okay, so those of you that have a Teen SD... how do your DHs handle their expenses? SD13 has gotten out of hand lately with all of the requests for DH to buy her things. 

1. Haircut (totally understand) but with highlights and lowlights at a popular salon

2. Movie money

3. Halloween costume 

4. Sneakers
