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Annoying MIL on Facebook

Dogmom1321's picture

DH parents are absent. They only visit their grandkids twice a year. They don't call, dont't facetime, don't send birthday cards, just maybe a Christmas present or two. I am "friends" with DH's stepmom on Facebook. I totally regret it now. 

DS3 and I went to the pumpkin patch over the weekend and I posted some pictures. DH was out of town on a golf trip (annual thing he has planned months in advance.) SD14 was at our house this weekend instead of BM. I have cared less lately if the visitation schedule is followed or not, because SD14 either stays in her room anyway, or is out with friends. It doesn't affect her interactions with myself or DS3 at all.

DH's SM comments publicly on the pictures "Where is DH and SD14!? Why are they not with you?" 

I immediately DELETED her comment. I messaged her privately and said "DH is on a trip and SD14 is up in her room. :)" Yes, I added the smiley face. She never responded. 

It just irritates me that SM feels entitled to know everyone's whereabouts. It is no secret in the family that SD14's relationship with DH is rocky and she has basically nothing to do with DS3 (her half brother, if you would even call it that). I don't post about SD14 on my social media. I don't think it is my place, and the reality of it is she DOESN'T spend time with us. Why would I force a fake family photo? I don't see the point in posting photos of SD14 if in reality we are totally disengaged from each other, including my DS3. 

Hopefully she will get the hint since I deleted the comment and she never responded. It's just annoying! DH said to brush his SM off and he doesn't care what she thinks, etc.

Question for disengaged SMs: do you post about SKs on social media? I'm not trying to "hide" SD14, she just simply isn't around us. And I refuse to fake it for other people for a "big happy blended family. *barf* 


AlmostGone834's picture

Nope I don't post about Little Idiot (SD24.5). Nor do I like anything she posts or comment on her posts. I can only stomach so many compliment-fishing selfies per week anyway. DH's family probably thinks it's odd but idgaf. They don't pay my bills or do a darn thing for me anyway so I really don't care what they think. They also don't know the truth of everything that went on with LI or how she really is because they don't have to deal with her in the capacity that we do. They can compliment her and give all the fake "miss you-love you"s they want. I don't love her or miss her and they wouldn't either if the fallout from her poor decisions landed in their lap and they were the ones cleaning up the mess.

Rags's picture

Trolling for attention.  What a nauseating trait. My SIL is an attention troll and it turns my stomach.  Even before social media she was heavily invested in trolling for attention to the point that he cutesy little catch phrase was "I'm spe-cial".  She would do this shit in a whiney little kid voice with a coy tilt of her head and drawing her hands up under her chin. This went on into her 30s.  It turns my stomach even now.


CLove's picture

Back a few years, when I was still the activities director and skidyounger was still a minor who was fun to do things with, I would post things, and one niece on DH side would comment "where is skidolder?"

Now this person is very active on social media, but never likes my stuff unless it has "her" family. Never comments, unless its to "call me out" for not posting Skidolder. Skidolder (feral forger) and I are no contact. And Feral Forger has been actively working against myself and husband.

This is the same niece who invited feral forger to an event RIGHT after drama on family chat. And then asked "oh is ok that I invited her?"

Just drama. Ignore, delete.

Tin Can Zen's picture

Popping in to say I think you have hit on a good set of monikers for the skids, finally. You have given me some chuckles with the ever changing powersulk do nada feral whatevs over time, but 'skidolder' and "skidyounger' implies that the bandwidth they take up is easing, and gods everywhere, I wish that for you. Happy fall, CLove.

CLove's picture

right you are. Even when this past Saturday I had to endure SD18 PPDNOLIGOS attending a family function with us, as husband coddles and hops happy to be in her presence.

It was like a non-fly in the non-ointment. I ate and hung then went and had fun.

CajunMom's picture

In the early years, I shared a few pics but as the toxic behaviors grew and morphed, I quickly cut off social media connection with all of DH's kids. I'm not their mom. We have zero relationship. Why would I even want to share pics of people I barely know? 

add in, I rarely post anything personal these days. My friends/family all migrated to text groups for sharing. I have a Facebook mainly for my art and dog rescue work. 

advice.only2's picture

My own mother does this shit, it’s why I stopped posting on one social media and just started sending a group text to our family.  That way when she makes her shitty comments it’s only seen by family.  I am on a platform she doesn’t like and can’t navigate so I post there.  When my BD18 went to prom this year I sent photos to the family text and rather than respond “wow she looks pretty.”, I got “wow look at her boobs, they look huge.”  Yeah, thankfully BD18 wasn’t on that thread.   It’s crazy to me the older my parents get the less of a filter and nastier they become.

Lillywy00's picture

No I post whatever tf I want on MY page. If anyone doesn't like it they can close their pie hole and click away .... most of the messy meddling annoying nosey people are in my restricted list or block list  

Now a lot of these elders just getting onto social media and haven't learned proper etiquette (and some of them just have no chill)


If they cannot handle what you post without feeling compelled to correct or challenge you then ..... put them on the restricted or blocked list


As for posting those skid on my social media? No. Since they're minors that I can't make legal decision on behalf of. However I did include them in a group picture I sent on a family holiday card. 

Yesterdays's picture

If there were any people that gave me issues I would block them. In your case I would block her or else make it so she can't view anything. 

BethAnne's picture

I've never posted about my sd, or any photos of her. Originally it was to avoid antagonizing her mother, but now it is also a factor of respecting her privacy (as a 16 year old) and the fact that I am not her parent so I don't really feel I should be posting about her on social media.
I also don't post about my bio kids. 

Rags's picture

Our family life occurred mostly pre-social media including FB.  A HBD wish on FB, a rare update. Nothing more.

thinkthrice's picture

On socia media just to keep pre informed.

Harry's picture

Ask DH, your son where he was.  Ask him if golf is more important that family time.   DS is 3 only once.  Then ask MIL why she didn't invite you and your family on a Halloween activity.  Like a all expenses paid by MIL on a 3 day trip someplace. 

Dogmom1321's picture

The annual golf trip wasn't the point. I am unbothered by it because it was planned months in advance. I love having 1-1 time with my son. My issue was MIL questioning SD14's and DH's presence and whereabouts. I definitely DON'T want her inviting us anywhere! I just want her to stop publicly acting "surprised" a 14 year old didn't go on a wagon ride. She is well aware SD14 and DS3 are not close, so part of me thinks she was just antagonizing. 

Livingoutloud's picture

Even if they were close. 14 year old doesn't have to participate in every event with SM. It's dumb. Ridiculous 

Little Type Amy's picture

The comment your SMIL demonstrates a prime example of one reason why I can take or leave Social Media at times.It ( falsely gives some  people the impression that they can feel free to stick their nose in your business like that.  It would drive me bonkers.

Personally, I would have asked MIL what would be stopping her from planning some activites with SD and entertain her if she feels that worried about you not doing enough for her. Just bring that ball back in her court!  Then I would take advantage of those custom privacy settings to control what audience you wish to allow to see your posts. Your sanity will thank you later. 

God Forbid you should want to make memories with your own child on your time  without feeling pressured  into putting on one big production with DH, SD as you pretend to be big one big happy family just to appease others and keep up some image. 

As far as Facebook and the Skidmark, I presently wouldn't be posting one single blurb about SD even if  she Hadn't decided to block me recently. I hope that never changes as its honestly for the best and I see it as a blessing. 

The reason beiing a few years back, I ended up seriously regretting my choice to being FB friends with SD29. That was due to her coming off like she was granted the green light to expect 24/7 access to me, to my free time and attention  JUST for us  being connected through Facebook. It started to feel smothering to me so  It got old and annoying  real fast . Thats when  I pulled the plug by using those Customized Privacy features I mentioned. I decided to go that route after only a week. LOL, so my stint with her on social media was very short lived at best.

.  Plus, I was already annoyed with her constant Self Pitying posts whining about being bored and just complaining about everything every damn day on the  Book looking for attention. . Hence the other thing about FB that gets on my nerves. People just bitching about petty problems in their lives for that purpose instead of actually doing anything constructive.  

Even in the best of times, I cannot recall the last time I ever posted much at all about SD, even  once she had her own kids. From what I can tell. DH hardly plasters his FB with anything that revolves around them either when he decides to post anything at all. 

Honestly. I know this might sound terrible, but DH actually shares more about our pets. His profile is off our dog  currently.  How much you want to bet that it drives SD nuts when she sees that its not a huge blown up pic of HER instead? 

. I know to others, including whatever family  members he is friends with, it has to seem really cold, uncaring and just plain strange or unheard of.  I know it has to make us look like horrible people. Maybe we are but I have grown to stop giving a hoot about that too. Quite frankly, I no longer feel there is anything left to have to prove to anyone, especially with the way things stand between SD and I? What is the point of even pretending ..even on social media where people front  constantly ? 







MorningMia's picture

You can create a default audience setting for all of your posts that excludes her so she can't see (and comment on) whatever you choose. I had "all friends" as my default and then created "friends except [skids]" as an alternate audience setting in order to maintain some pretense of a relationship with the skids (not to ruffle feathers) but eventually grew tired of the facade and eventually unfriended and blocked them altogether. 

Rags's picture

I do nothing of importance on FB.  Nothing political, nothing personal, nothing regarding the news, nothing on religion.  I find that when I have done that, there are an interesting number of people who respond with attacks. So, I just don't do it at all.  I will not get into discussions under my name anywhere.  I will on anonymous formats but not on public formats with my name.

I belong to a few groups from schools.

Primarily I use social media to maintain contact with people.


Little Type Amy's picture

I have been operating the same way more often as of late, since I have reduced time spent on Facebook, so personal posts have grown more scarce. I feel like the older I Get , the more I value my peace and privacy.  Another thing that has irked me too is dealing with the attacks you mention. When you deal with the kind of people who just look for reasons to be offended over anything little thing you post as they look way too into it. Then they feel it gives them the right to spew their unsoliticed opinions and advice your way when you didnt ask. So I just dont even bother.