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Ok, I've been processing a LOT. I have a counselor I like, we've had one meeting so far, and another for later this week; we'll be meeting weekly for the forseeable future (I'm lucky she's a Zoom user because it's not easy for me to get to the city due to location).
It's been hard. I've been mostly angry, some sadness is starting to set in now though. Anxiety too.
Well... if you think,"great, things are going well again with daddy-issue pouty pants very unadult/adult almost 30 SD, nope, not going well" Actually, I don't even know what the issue is this time. I told her to call me instead of sending polite "have a great week" or "I hope your sick father is ok", to call me as it feels much more authentic. Even though I realize those little messages may be more than many with a pain in the a!! SD may ever get, to me, I'm just kind of over them. And I happen to know it's really to make her daddy think she's such a terrific, thoughtful little baby.
I'll go first ...
"What if ... "the manager was forced to eat her pessimistic thoughts about one of the best work colleagues at the workplace including myself"
"What if ... I made quantum leaps in my career growth"
"What if ... more Disneyland parents reformed 180 in shorter periods of time"
Ever since I meet my husband he has told me that he has a child, pays child support, speaks to him regularly but since he moved out of state hasn't seen much of him. After a couple of months he mentioned to me that he has always had doubt about him being his since his baby mom was always cheating on him. Truth is I dont see an ounce of resemblance and he even told me that he looks like one of the guys she cheated on him with which has blue eyes and all. I have always told him you should get a DNA. He has never listened to me.
Has anyone experienced a SS peeing on their floor? My SO just found this out today. SS is 15 years old. The last few weeks he has been telling me he smells pee and for some reason I haven't picked up on the smell. But finally this morning he went into SS room while SS was in the bathroom and SO said it smells very strong of pee and he discovered the carpet was soaked behind the bedroom door and when he went to smell it he said it smelled very strong of pee. We longer have any pets in the house so the only explanation is SS peed on the floor. He lied a few times when asked about it.
Hi everyone this could turn into a long rant for which I apologise but i would love to know if anyone else is in the same position and myself and my husband. We have been together for 13 years and I have helped him bring up his son since he was 3. My husband relationship with his ex wife hasn't been healthy and we have had some disputes is the polite term over the years. She has never had boundaries with SS and he's always got everything he wants but we bring our children up with rules and boundaries.
Had 3 applicants over the last 2 days (who apparently can't read either--my ad says credit score of 600 required minimum) apply to one of my apartments and here are their credit scores:
451, 489, 460
Ages 53, 36, 27 respectively. I.just.can't. If I had a credit score like that I would be embarrassed to apply.
I just keep hearing the fail horn from The Price is Right.
*trigger warning...gender issues"
I've had about 6 managers in 6 months and my current manger is a complete c*nt!
This itchB had the audacity to write me up for taking "too much" pto, tried to forced me to write my comments to it while I was sharing my screen, then giggled while she gaslit me into thinking she was trying to "help" me improve
Hi all,
I have been a reader for over a year and need advice. I am at my wits end. This is LONG.
My wife and I are both teachers and we always take her kids on a trip which I dread, mostly due to my SS9. I have been in the picture for 5 years and they are with us half time. Whilehe can be kind and a good kid, he can also be very pushy and obnoxious at times. My biggest frustration is that my wife never calls him on or even recognizes this behaviot. At the pool, he was acting like a 5 year old. He is 9 and can swim but wouldnt go anywhere without mom or his sister. He starts to bug endlessly until they go which is very irritating. He starting whining in a baby voice which I shut