SisterNeko's Blog
And there you have it... SS5 is more loved
according to SS7! FDH and I kind of saw this coming and we tried to tell BM, but of course she doesn't do anything wrong.
It's started at the park today - once again SS7 told all the kids on the playground not to play with SS5, because he is annoying. Last time it was because he was slow. This time I snapped and embarrassed the crap out of him by yelling across the playground "if you can't ask something nice then don't say anything at all, be nice to your little brother".
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Just doesn't care or too stupid to notice?
I have said it a million times, I hate Sunday (switch days) We have EOW custody of sKids (5 and 7). Every Sunday is different but all of them suck. BM dropped SS's off - late as usual because she drives around trying to upset SS5. He got out and ran into the backyard because BM doesn't let him outside. She has been trying to talk FDH until rescheduling SS7's dentist appointment because eh wants to go - because they are pulling teeth - but if he doesn't go this week they can't get him in for 2 weeks.
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BM's weirdness continues and I may be pushing some buttons
My new stance with FDH when it comes to BM is if you don't tell her I will. Is it my place? absolutely not but I am sick of his let it slide attitude when it comes to BM.
something really weird is going on
Today was SS7's dentist appointment, and he had the hardest time tracking down his own son so that he would take him to the dentist.
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What a load of crap - or is it?
I try not to be nosy but sometimes you just notice things and this one really bugs me. Now I know that BM is a lying shack of s***. BUT since we have our little e-mail 'chat' things have been 'ok' so I probably won't say anything to her but...
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sKids can't hang with me
it's day 2 of our summer and it's also the 2nd day that the sKids were wiped out at the end of the day. I feel a little bad, but not really. A 5 and 7 year old boy should be able to keep pace with a late 20 something woman.
Why so cruel? Well each kid is special and has different needs.
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So sad but what do you do?
SS7 did something today that just broke my heart. We went to the park today and he told all the kids on the playground that his brother (SS5) was 'slow' not to play with him - and they didn't!
I took SKids to the park today because the school said that SS5 needs to be around other kids as much as he can be - he has been labeled (high-functioning) Autistic - to help keep his social skills development. I agreed with FDH and told him if he wanted me to I would find something to do with SS5 (and SS7) every day we had them. Today was the first day.
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My response to my last post
I was gone all weekend and a few people commented on my post about the e-mail exchange BM and I had last week, I wasn't able to comment but the questions where all about the same. why was I so mean when BM seemed to be reaching out...
the old post:
Because I think BM is bipolar. It's not the first time she would have lured me into a false sense of hope just because she was in a good mood, but her good moods always seem to be followed by a panic and depression period.
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She e-mailed me first and I gave her an honest response
I just wanted to state that for the record. Following FDH and BM's little tif about me threatening to spanks SS5 and FDH stance that the boys WILL NOT walk all over me. ( I know spanking is a touchy topic so if you want to comment on that see my other post) BM e-mailed me...
I expected the worst to be honest when I saw that there was an email from her. It wasn't that bad, she didn't seem mad. It was a long e-mail but this is the short version.
I just got in trouble for 'paddling'
I just got in trouble with BM because SS7 told her that I 'paddled" SS5, but it's okay if FDH 'paddles' them.
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