SisterNeko's Blog
confusion, storytelling or lying?
sometimes it's hard to tell if SS7 is lying or just confused. I don't like lying and I have gotten on him about 'telling stories' in the past but BM called FDH yesterday, they chatted about the shoes that we forgot to send to her house (our bad) and she added that SS7 had told her that we were wanting to move into the country... in another state! So that he could play with his cousins. BM said she told him that wasn't right and he insisted that it was.
Now we did talk to SS7 last week about some things.
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WHY is it that I cringe and feel bad of Skids - even though it's BM's fault?
I almost cried this week for my Skids. I really can't imagine doing what BM does and not feel the least bit guilty about it.
From SS7 stand point...
the writings on the walls... are starting to concern me
but like so many SM's i can't do anything to stop it, so I am just waiting for the floods to come. I have seen and heard things that make me sick and/or pissed off, but I can't saying anything because people just chalk it up to me not liking BM or I am out for revenge, sometimes even PMS. I know that I can't change or 'fix' BM and I am not the only SM on here that thinks their BM might be crazy. But here is what I am currently seeing 'written on the walls'...
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would it be wrong to...
I had a few thoughts yesterday about BM and let's face it 'impure' thoughts tend to come up when I think about BM. I was just wonder your thoughts on my thoughts. lol
First thought
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I think School may 'get it' now
SS4's IEP meeting was a success for the most part! And BM didn't melt down - mainly because she didn't really understand what happened.
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IEP today - this will be interesting
BM is probably going to flip out, I wish she would melt down in the meeting but she will just send FDH hate txt afterwards. Because FDH has a LIST or questions and concerns to bring up - all of which he HAS talked to her about but just just blows him off. This time she has an audience and will give her MOTY performance. She just has to say yes - once
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IEP meetings - go or not go?
SS4 has IEP meeting Tuesday, FDH has been hinting that he would like me to go and it says in the meeting guide to bring anyone you feel is 'important' and has an active role with SS4 and may provide insight. As much as I want to help SS4, I really don't want to see BM. The sound of her voice makes me want to vomit.
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We just don't speak stupid
I think our communication issues with BM is just that easy - we don't speak stupid.
Last week we dropped the SKids off at her house and FDH stopped to talk to her about the medical bill that she said she got.
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does your SO still suffer the effects of emotional abuse?
stemming from their emotionally abusive ex - not you of course. I think Mine does despite my efforts to reassure him that I am NOT her and I don't do what she did to him. And do you notice that the EX is still a little emotionally abusive toward them?
It always been something that I was 'aware' of when I start dating my now fiance. He was overly concerned about 'not being good enough for me' or ' not doing enough for me'. Trust he is and does enough.
Am I the only one that wants justice?
I sent a submission to the state fraud prevention website informing them that BM may have failed to update her information (the site says you have 10 days to report changes in income and household) She got a new job 10 months ago and married 8 months ago but still get assistance from the state for 'low income family'. So sick of her getting away with this crap and FDH not doing anything about it.
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