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SisterNeko's Blog

BM really does not want FDH to go to IEP meetings

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Every year BM tries a new way to make sure FDH can not attend SS5's IEP meeting. This year was an all-time low. She doesn't want him to go because he wants SS5 pushed.

An IEP Meeting for those of you that don't know is an Individualized Education Plan for Special Needs children. Key people get together twice a year (Beginning and end) to discuss and come up with a plan for the child's education through out the school year/summer and plan for the following year/check progress at the end of the year. SS5 has High-Functioning Autism and a Vision Impairment.

o/t Grandma is a bully and some people wonder why no one likes them

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A while back I posted a blog about sending out wedding invites and excluding one of FDH's aunts and her family because no one likes them and wants them around, and I said that we expected Gma to get upset about it.

the first blog:

Lying and the little things

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I know BM lies but what is shocking is that as much as she does it, she isn't getting any better at it. I am one of those people that can pick up on the little things that seems to make BM look shady.

Now I can't always prove that my theories on BM are correct but I make it a point to tell FDH the things that I see, if nothing else it makes him more aware of what BM is doing. So he isn't as shocked when the S*** hits that fan. I also hit at things to teachers and doctors (through FDH) SO that they know too.

Junk food is called junk food for a reason

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But I do think everything is fine in moderation. That being said how much is too much and when did you guys allow you kids to have soda pop?

I ask because I have noticed some things lately that - grant it I am not a mother, just a step-mom, but I wouldn't let me kids do these things and I don't let skids do it either (with the support of FHD of course).

This week alone these things happened.
