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SisterNeko's Blog

I am a good person for now...

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I could have bad mouthed BM to sKids but I refrained for now, the oldest is only 7. I would rather he form his own opinions of BM.

Last night at Dinner I told DH that I was committed to him. SS7 chimed in and asked me what committed means. I frequently use big words so I have a dictionary app on my phone and we look up the definitions sometimes so I can explain it to SS7. After defining it SS7 sighed and said that he remembers when DH was committed to BM and asked what happened. DH froze and I just smiled.

Do you have imaginary conversations with BM in you head?

SisterNeko's picture

I Do. I am sure I am crazy but once and awhile I like to play 'pretend' and tell BM everything that is on my mind - all inside my own head of course. I find it keeps me from actually saying it to her.

Today I was thinking about a conversation that I had with BM in e-mail months ago and what I really should have said to her but didn't.

Why is it that most SO's have to see to beleive when it come to their kids?

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I have been suggesting to my DH that there is something 'off' with SS7 for years and oddly enough that there is nothing wrong with SS5 (who BM thinks has EVERYTHING wrong with him). I am always nice about it and never pushy. I just point things out to him from time to time and when he says it's 'normal' i asked what he is using as a base to compare it too.

SS7 says Step-Dad took him to accident scene in a fire truck!

SisterNeko's picture

What would you do? DH wants to be nice and just call BM and ask her about her. I want to call the Fire Chief and inform him of what happened, and let him investigate.

Step-dad is a volunteer fire fighter and has been for some time. Tonight SS7 told DH in great detail how Step-Dad A.K.A 'Chubby' took him in the fire truck to the scene of an accident then left him unattended inside the fire truck while they took care of it. SS7 said there were no injuries and he was more upset that Chubby wouldn't let him go play the bowling game at the pub nearby.

BM doesn't think SS7 is immature - but the therapist does!

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SS7 had a meeting with his Therapist Friday and after words she told DH and I that SS7 was happy in both homes but was getting picked on in School. The therapist though that it could be because though SS7 is very intelligent for his age he is very immature, which would make it hard for him to relate to and interact with children his own age. She also said that he is very sensitive which makes him a target as well.

Does BM send stuff to your house?

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Our BM does and it drives me nuts. DH has asked - more than once - not too but she still does it. Last night after 'trick or treating'- and I use the term loosely - BM dropped them off with a DVD each and a toy each. We have 50/50 Every other week custody. So we have toys, movies, games, ect at our house for them. I don't like having to keep track of the stuff because 9 times out of 10, a month later she will ask us to send it back to her house. And the kids don't remember what they had for dinner so they really don't remember what they did with it.

The monsters they create

SisterNeko's picture

My brother's ex wife still calls him for help - more than 10 years later. He finally told her to stop, he wasn't her enforcer, they kids are they way they are because of her.

Here is the background. My brother and his 2nd ex wife have been divorced for 10+ years. They have 2 kids together a daughter 14 and a son 17. Custody says he gets the kids Every Other Weekend. Well the ex calls him all the time to 'come get' them because she has a date or they aren't listening to her, ect. And he goes and gets them because he wants to see them as much as he can.
