SisterNeko's Blog
Can step-siblings be furry?
I had a really funny conversation with SS5 the other day, thought I would share. I am a cat person - always have been. So when I moved in 8 months ago I brought with me 2 cats. Keep in mind that I don't have kids of my own so before I met BF my cats were my family. And I do take pet adoption very serious. But I don't think it's the same as having kids, cats are much easier But it's a serious obligation you have to take care of the pets you take in.
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is it appropriate? What do I do now?
is it appropriate for BM to get FSM something for Mother's day? When BM dropped off the boys yesterday she left a framed picture. I found it and asked BF what it was, of course he didn't know. It said happy mother's day. BF txt'ed BM and asked who it was for and she said 'me' duh! BF was like well I am not getting BM's man anything for father's day. I told him that he shouldn't and I didn't think that it was appropriate for BM to get me something for mother's day.
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Drama Queen and then there is me
BF and BM had a meeting yesterday at the school regarding SS3. I didn't go because I had to work and i think BM planned it that was (it was scheduled for noon) Any way, I told BF to go and stand his ground. This is all hear say (since I wasn't there but i believe it) BF did 90% of the talking, BM had little to add. BF told the teachers all the stuff WE were doing for SS3 to try to help him and they loved every thing he said. They said we were doing everything right. BM didn't comment or have anything to add.
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i snapped, but fair is fair.
BF took FSS3 to the store to get his glasses adjusted. When they came home FSS3 was crying and took off running for his room (which he does when he is mad, he pouts for while and then comes back). BF looked unhappy and started in with why FSS3 was upset. When they got done at the glasses place in the store FSS3 wanted a toy or something - he always thinks he needs something because BM always gets him something. Well FSS3 threw a fit in the store. BF went on and on about how BM always buys him stuff and it's a waste of money.
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Split Family Easter Traditions?
Apparently the tradition is to be a pain in the butt.
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Neglect or just annoying?
Neglect or just annoying?
I have been thinking about this for some time. It popped in my head again today after getting into it with BF about what was important to him. He hates some of the things that BM does with their kids but doesn't do anything about it but complain. I know that he doesn't have the money for a lawyer to take her to to court and get custody changed. But still ....
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Anxiety disorder
I was reading stepmom1311's post and it got me to thinking about my own issues. I have been diagnosed with GAD or General Anxiety Disorder. It started in High School for me and I am prone to Anxiety or Panic attacks. (as in I have a few each year) I don't have health insurance at the moment so I am not being treated for it, but I have taken therapy in the past which has helped me through this tough time.
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Phasing her out
My BF will have been divorced 2 years next month (BM divorced him) but she continued to control his life up until I showed up (about a year ago). I have been working with him on tell her 'NO' and calling her out when she lies to him. He also no longer needs to her help him with the kids on his weeks because he has me to do it and I complain a lot less about it. I know I am an evil person, right? So needless to say she doesn't like me and tries to get rid of me on a regular basis (it never works but it's still annoying). You know that saying...
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Langest Day EVER!
I survived yesterday. But there was a lot of tongue biting and ignoring on my part. BM tried to talk to me a few times and I always gave her short, simple answers to any question but added little else. She mainly just sat in the backseat and listened to her MP3 player really loudly. She feed SS3 junk food and pestered him the whole time, she even woke him up from a nap because she kept touching him. She even said that SS3 didn't need lunch because he had enough snacks to get him through until dinner. BF bought him lunch any way.
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Is planning ahead so hard?
The BF (boyfriend) is in the dog house today. I am just getting so sick of him letting the ex-wife (BM) push him around with no regards too OUR plans. It started yesterday but today was just the icing.
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