SisterNeko's Blog
I am not psychic, i just see the writing on the walls.
Tomorrow will be interesting...
It's time for SS4 IEP meeting (individualized education planning) because they think he has Autism (high-functioning). But since getting him into school he has improved greatly.
Really not in the moods for mind games
I baby sit for BM after school on her weeks (only for SS6). Today when SS6 got there he started (out of no where) in on this really weird ramble (that sounded rehearsed) about how he had a good time at BM's and he always does, it's never a bad time...ect. I really didn't listen to the whole thing. Finally was just said, good but I really didn't ask nor did I care. Then he went and played on the little computer until 4:30 when I told him to get his shoes on and wait by the door for BM.
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I know that I am
Last night BF and I were at the table eating dinner and I totally called it that SS4 wouldn't eat. Because it was a real home cooked meal and not from a box. I can't remember what we were even talking about, it was something about the kids, but BF stated "I think that you are a better parent than me", instead of my usually 'I am not a parent at all', I just said with out hesitation "I know that I am."
I could give examples, but I won't
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BM's one way mirror and MOTY Award
I need to get a hold of that mirror and break it. See if she does something it's fine, but if we do it OMG it's a holy war. But if you catch her doing it she lies about it. This was the case yesterday.
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How do you tell the baby bug to "F" Off?
So I have been struggling for months with the baby bug. My heart really wants one (for whatever reason) even though it's completely illogically at this point in my life.
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SO wants me to be something that I can't
He wants me to be SS6's mother - more or less. After BM 'borrowed' the kids one night for a dinner with her family last week, she returned them and SS6 latched on to me right away. We figure that BM and her mom ignored him the whole time and smothered SS4 - to the point that SS4 returned from the outing with twice as many toys as SS6.
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you can teach an old dog new tricks
just not all of them good ones. BM surprised me a little this AM. Yesterday I watched SS6 for her after school for a little bit and I DID look in his bag because BM has a really bad habit of not telling BF EVERYTHING. I found a paper in there that said the teacher wanted to sign SS6 up for some special help with his reading. I photographed the paper so BF could read it. Basically SS6 is falling behind in reading. Which doesn't surprise BF or I since BF had issues with reading in school.
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BM had SO birth certificate
And just returned it - 2.5 years later! I am so creeped out by this because BM is the one that moved out so that means she had to have taken it with her. She left a ton of stuff (junk) behind but took things that don't make sense, of course she moved out when BF wasn't home and has since been 'returning' things a little at a time. I few months ago she returned some pictures of BF and HIS family, now his birth certificate? What's next?
This woman is like obsessed with 'holding' on to him. It's no wonder her new husband stares at BF when they are at work.
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seeming dumb question - what do we HAVE to tell BM?
There have been issues lately with BM not telling BF things and BM flipping out because BF didn't tell her things. So I am just curious, what does BF have to tell BM. I know there is a RO in the divorce barring her from 'interfering in his personal liberties' and I am guessing that I fall under a personal liberty. BM is a major control freak so she wants to be in on everything.
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I wish BM wouldn't wait until the last minute to do things.
So annoyed with BM waiting until the last minute to plan stuff, sometimes I think she does it on purpose so BF has to scramble.