SisterNeko's Blog
Seriosuly what planet is BM from?
SS4 started School yesterday (Yay). BM was so worried about it because, well she thinks he can't go any where or do anything by himself. I told her the week before that he had been very upset about NOT getting to go on the bus, so I didn't think it was going to be an issue for her. She doesn't listen to me and makes this whole big plan to ride with him on the bus the first day so she does freak out... blah blah blah.
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BM is being nice and weird
And it scares me! She has started txting me again but is managing to keep it just about the kids (so far). She is referring to me as their step mom.
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Wedding Weekend from hell!
And it wasn't even my wedding - it was BM's! Some how I new this weekend was going to be a train wreck but it was weirder than I thought it would be. It started when BM set her wedding date a long time ago but any one with a calender could have told her that it wasn't her weekend to have the boys. Of course4 she wanted them there just not the WHOLE time. But let's not get ahead of our selves.
It started Friday:
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Why is it so hard to talk to SO about his kids (and us)?
There are things that I should say (or need to say) and it's like I am waiting for the right moment to say they but it never comes or I start to and BF doesn't like what he's hearing and changes the subject. Then a few days later it's like I didn't say anything at all.
I get it but yet I don't
BM defies logic 90% of the time. I know that BM's in general don't want to see their exes with any one else or happy. But... come on you LEFT!
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BM headed for disaster?
in more ways than one. Have you ever seen a storm approaching and thought to yourself - I wonder if it's as bad as it looks or maybe it will miss us? I am no weather man but I am 90% sure this is going to be bad and it's not going to miss us and their are two separate fronts coming.
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SO doesn't seem to get the baby/parenting issues
I talked to BF about the revelation I had about wanting a baby and the question he had asked me. We talked about it briefly, then avoid the topic for awhile. He seems confused about my sudden change of heart - or rather MIND. (I do want a baby it's just not logical)
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SO finally asked the right baby question
I have been in 'baby' mode for a month or so. BF has been on the bubble about, saying that I should at least have a ring on my finger first. But the other night we were talking about it and he asked me if I had really thought this through. Having a baby is life changing (which is kind of what I was going for this life currently kind of sucks). But it was what he said that I didn't agree with, he said that I wouldn't be able to do things like go snowmobiling or go to the casino with my mom.
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I am Evil?
Or just getting even? LOL. So BM is getting married next weekend and has been in a panic for awhile (2nd thoughts maybe?) Everything is freaking her out. she has been playing mind games with BF like crazy so I thought I would give her something else to think about. Every time we see her, she is dressed as the prefect little house wife - apron and all. But I recent found out all the mean a hateful things the she told BF just after their divorce (2.5 years ago).
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SO keep signing me up for 'mommy' things
Even though I have told him that I don't want to be involved with kids that i legally can't make choices for. Me going to the school to meet with teachers and talk about my feelings is not going to make their mother (the person that does get to make choices for them) any less of a selfish idiot that thinks the world revolves around SS4!
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