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SisterNeko's Blog

What would u do - reporting fraud

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I suspect BM of 'misleading' the state to get the skids state help. She does stuff all the time but doesn't get caught. I am worried it will affect FDH at some point.

Here is what I know.

The school told FDH that Skids get to go to summer school for free chase they are on state assistance for low income families. BM signed them both up last year when she was just working part time. Since then BM has gotten a full-time job and gotten married. Surly now her house hold income has increased to the point where they would no longer qualify?

e-mail 'fraud' and the setup for IEP

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This is the stupidest thing ever but BM started it when she told FDH that the school has been e-mailing her 'a lot' about the boys and that is how she knows everything and he knows nothing. Well FDH didn't have e-mail and doesn't like e-mail so he told the school that they could e-mail me any info and I would pass it along to him.

Entitled pocessive Skids and pre marrige concerns

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FDH and I are planning a wedding. the Skids have me concerned that I should think about a pre-nup or just drafting a will after the wedding to insure that family heirlooms stay in the bloodline and that my future children are taken care of?

sKids are almost 5 and almost 7 but are showing signs of being very greedy, possessive and entitled like their mother!

Excessive talking

SisterNeko's picture

Is excessive talking okay? Do you ever just what to tell ur sKid to shut up? Not going to lie - I WANT TO!

Grant it I have not been feeling well so my tolerance is at an all time low. I think he does it because he is tired and it's something to do to keep him awake or he has ADD or is just looking for attention (very likely). And most of the time he just repeats himself or makes up some random story about something no one cares about.

has anyone ever gone for full legal custody?

SisterNeko's picture

What do you have to prove to get that? I am assuming that it's not easy to do. I ask because it came up yesterday with FDH after his continued frustration and disappointment with BM. Currently She doesn't want ss4 to have speech and physical therapy this summer. FDH and I thought we had covered all possible reason for BM to say no - FDH called them and got all the information. It's covered under their insurance, the docs said they would send a referral and they said they could do it every other week on OUR weeks so that it would affect BM's schedule.

BM is really weird

SisterNeko's picture

I guess if I had kids I would be too... but seriously. Like so many SM's on here if I thought someone wanted to love and help with my kids (and I needed help) I think I would let them.

SS6 has been lecturing us for months that I am not part of the family (yet) because we are not married (yet). BM on the other hand had them call her man 'dad' long before they every tied the not. I am just wondering when it going to happen after the wedding Smile

I can acutally picture myself strapping on the boxing gloves

SisterNeko's picture

...every time something comes up that involves us dealing with BM or correcting something that I know BM has thought the skids is 'OK' or acceptable.

Yes I know I am the 'hard ass' in this family and I take my 'role' very seriously. I must have a killer left hook or something because usually I can say so much with so few words.
