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e-mail 'fraud' and the setup for IEP

SisterNeko's picture

This is the stupidest thing ever but BM started it when she told FDH that the school has been e-mailing her 'a lot' about the boys and that is how she knows everything and he knows nothing. Well FDH didn't have e-mail and doesn't like e-mail so he told the school that they could e-mail me any info and I would pass it along to him.

I sent a few e-mail from my account for him and they rarely e-mailed me back, when they did it was very short. FDH must have told BM that they weren't e-mailing us, so BM told him it was because it was my account and I am not a parent - I can kind of see that. So FDH and I went online and created him an e-mail account and we e-mailed the teachers. Yeah they still don't e-mail like BM said they did but they are more forth coming with information now.

BM is such a liar, I think SHE e-mails them all the time to get information and doesn't tell FDH.

Any way it's funny because it's still me that sends out most of the e-mails with FDH standing behind me or on the phone with me. Because he still does not like e-mail!

The set-up for IEP

FDH called me yesterday from work because he realized that he hadn't heard anything about SS4's IEP meeting and needs to know so that he can get off work and go - when they tell BM she has a habit of saying she will let FDH know and then waits until the last minute to tell him so that he CAN'T go. The Teacher busted her on this last time when she (teacher) just happened to call FDH about something else and said something about the meeting. The teacher called it a 'break down in communication'. lol Guess that is the nice way of saying you ex isn't telling you everything.

'HE' emailed them and asked for an update. I suggested that he say something about the real reason that FDH had insisted on having the IEP meeting - BM and the school had talked about there being no need for one again until fall and weren't planning to have one until FDH asked (the first time) when it was and requested to have one. Why he wants one? FDH wants to share with them the findings and recommendations of the specialists that SS4 saw last month, which include a plan for ss4 to get summer treatment - they even say to talk about it with the school.

Now FDH has already ask BM about summer therapy and BM refused to say 'yes'. She snapped at FDH about not being able to take ss4 to all this 'crap'. When he told her that me or her baby sitter could take him and just drop him off/wait - she rolled her eyes. We are hoping if it's brought up in front of other people (witnesses) and they agree that it's in ss4 best interest, we can get a clear 'yes' from her for summer therapy. Which FDH would then set up other wise BM would 'forget'. Is it a little shady - maybe - but yes we are setting BM up. Thank god she doesn't do well with peer presser.

We also want to share the reports with the school - whom BM has brain washed into thinking SS4 can't function like a normal child - because the reports discredit BM a little because the doctor's and FDH openly disagree with some of her statements - all of which is noted in the reports. Smile BM failed to convince the doctor's that SS4 is as bad and she claims so yeah it's worth sharing, and we also set the doctor all of SS4's report cards and school reports. So hopefully after this all of them will be on the same freaking page! Accept BM or course who isn't even on the same chapter.