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So sad but what do you do?

SisterNeko's picture

SS7 did something today that just broke my heart. We went to the park today and he told all the kids on the playground that his brother (SS5) was 'slow' not to play with him - and they didn't!

I took SKids to the park today because the school said that SS5 needs to be around other kids as much as he can be - he has been labeled (high-functioning) Autistic - to help keep his social skills development. I agreed with FDH and told him if he wanted me to I would find something to do with SS5 (and SS7) every day we had them. Today was the first day.

When we got to the park I just sat aside and let the boy figure it out. Pretty soon SS5 found a little girl to play with him, they were doing just fine... until SS7 saw them. He went over and told the little girl that SS5 was slow and didn't talk well. Then he suggested that they run away from him. SS5 chased them for awhile - like it was a game but soon it got old. Then 2 more little boys came and SS7 told them the same things, they started picking on SS5 - asking him stupid questions just to see how he would answer them. None of the kids would play with him and every time a new kid came Ss7 told them that same thing.

Now I wasn't hovering so I didn't hear everything that was sad word for word but I saw that none of the kids would play with ss5 and ss5 was sad.

So I called SS7 over to me and I told him to be nice to SS5. I asked him what he said to those kids and of course it was 'i don't remember'. His go to answer when he thinks he might be in trouble. I was so annoyed. I told FDH what happened on the phone and he was mad too. He talked to SS7 about it before dinner.

We think he heard that from BM - who rarely takes them to the playground but when she does she doesn't let SS5 out of her sight and likely tells the other kids that he is slow and can't play. But we can't prove them and there is no pointing asking her.


Doesnteatcrow's picture

My stepson is also on the spectrum and in a wheelchair so I understand your pain. Have you looked on to find other families with children on the spectrum to start playdates? you may also talk to your physician who dxed him sand or therpists he is working with if they have any organizations in your area. Also, talking to his support Ed and the united way to find out what they have to offer is often very helpful. Do you have a TOP soccer league in your area?

Also, I don't know if you have looked into getting an iPad but the speech and OT we have added to his day has also helped a ton. Games to play with them are headbandz, memory, outburst junior, connect 4, blunders ( my fav) and guess who.

Hang in there I know the frustration. BM in my case doesn't want ss13 around anyone. The sooner you help him the better off he will be. Is he in OT and speech? Huge help!

ConfusedStep's picture