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And there you have it... SS5 is more loved

SisterNeko's picture

according to SS7! FDH and I kind of saw this coming and we tried to tell BM, but of course she doesn't do anything wrong.

It's started at the park today - once again SS7 told all the kids on the playground not to play with SS5, because he is annoying. Last time it was because he was slow. This time I snapped and embarrassed the crap out of him by yelling across the playground "if you can't ask something nice then don't say anything at all, be nice to your little brother".

When we got home I pulled FDH aside and told him what happened (this is the 2nd time SS7 has done something like this) so FDH pulled SS7 aside and asked him why he said that. At first SS7 said that he 'forgot' why he said that but after a little pushing SS7 confessed, that he didn't like SS5 because he is loved more than him.

FDH was shocked but asked him why he thought that and of course it's because SS5 always gets his way and never gets in trouble. We asked for an example and the example he gave was that one time at BM's house SS5 took one of his Pokemon cards into the bathtub and ruined it. But he didn't get in trouble BM just told SS7 that SS5 was little and didn't understand. We asked for an example from our house and SS7 couldn't give one.

So heart breaking.