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Just doesn't care or too stupid to notice?

SisterNeko's picture

I have said it a million times, I hate Sunday (switch days) We have EOW custody of sKids (5 and 7). Every Sunday is different but all of them suck. BM dropped SS's off - late as usual because she drives around trying to upset SS5. He got out and ran into the backyard because BM doesn't let him outside. She has been trying to talk FDH until rescheduling SS7's dentist appointment because eh wants to go - because they are pulling teeth - but if he doesn't go this week they can't get him in for 2 weeks. He has adult teeth coming in BEHIND his baby teeth and FDH and I think it need to be done sooner rather than later. Plus if BM goes she will just sit there and cry (which will upset SS7).

Then SS5 comes in and 'disappears' for a while. FDH finds him in his room crying! SS7 informs us that SS5 has been sick, which would have been nice to know what he was dropped off. So FDH txt'ed BM and asked if SS5 had been sick and of course she says no.

But she wouldn't know since SS7 also informed us that Grandpa watched them so that BM could go to a party today. I asked FDH what kind of party is thrown on a Sunday afternoon that WOULDN'T allow you to brig your children. My guess is NONE BM just didn't want to take them. Also worth noting that Grandma was watching the boys during the week.

I told FDH what was wrong with SS5 - he had summer school all week and BM feeds him junk food and soda. So I ran to the store and got Watermelon, we had pizza because I didn't feel like cooking but I added the Melon and jello - and flavored water!. Shortly after eating SS5 was fine again, we put him in bed early and I packed him a healthy lunch. I told FDH give me 24 hours and I will have him 'all better'.

It makes me sick that BM likes to tell everyone that she is this WONDERFUL mother yet on the weeks she has the boys she sends as little time with them as she can, while we max out our weeks.

The last week that we had the SKids I took them out to lunch with MIL and on the way out some one said something to MIL, the only thing that I heard was "Oh those are BM's kids" and I kept walking with the boys while MIL stayed and talked. MIL corrected the lady that they were BM AND FDH's kids but the woman just kept saying, BM. MIL told her who I was. I know they are BM's kids but I annoys me when FDH and I do more with them than she does. Seriously I wish I could have explained it to the woman but it wasn't worth it.

BM also didn't notice SS7 teeth coming in UNTIL we pointed it out to her. FDH was so mad at her last night for not telling us SS5 was sick and then 'lying' about it, I just laughed and said that she might not be lying, she probably just didn't notice. That happens when you stick the kids in their room and ignore them.