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My response to my last post

SisterNeko's picture

I was gone all weekend and a few people commented on my post about the e-mail exchange BM and I had last week, I wasn't able to comment but the questions where all about the same. why was I so mean when BM seemed to be reaching out...

the old post:

Because I think BM is bipolar. It's not the first time she would have lured me into a false sense of hope just because she was in a good mood, but her good moods always seem to be followed by a panic and depression period.

I haven't talk to her in a long time because over a year ago I went on that roller coaster ride with her for a few month before I got the 'f' off and refused to get back on.

(oct 2010)It started with FDH is so lucky to have you,

(nov 2010)then I almost tried to kill her son by giving him an allergic reaction because I forgot his lunch and apparently I called her a failure as a mother (which I did not it was an unrelated post about failure in general on twitter not even directed at any one),

(jan 2011) Then the new year came and she wanted to forgive and forget (bury the hatchet),

(feb 2011)on V-day she wanted a restraining order to keep me from doc appointments because I wanted to ride to another city with FDH and go shopping while they went to a doc visit with SS5, followed by several conversations about her not knowing me.

(mar 2011) I went on the shopping trip and BM started txting me about stuff being nice. She flipped out one day when it snowed bad and FDH wouldn't come get ME from work - because that is totally her concern you know.

(may 2011) she left an insulting mother's day gift at my house, she claims that she didn't mean it that way but she didn't hand it to me she set it with the boys stuff and left.

(june 2011)she asked to bury the hatch (again) and invited me to a party at her house. That time I flipped told her I was sick of digging the 'hatch' out of my back, to stop txting me and that I hated her.

She got mad (rightfully so this time) but FDH went off on her and told her his love life wasn't up for discussion and that HE never bullied her about the man she is with.

I avoided her as much as I could and she did the same, when she couldn't be avoided she was ignored. And life was good. I didn't go to many school thing unless there was a crowd. Until about a month ago... BM e-mailed me info on a place to take SS5 for social interaction and I txted her a pic of SS5 on his b-day. I want to be nice to her and get a long but I give it a month and she will melt down and go off about something stupid. Unless of course she had gotten medication - lol

So yes I was maybe a little mean BUT i am 90% sure that she is up to something and this niceness won't last.


overworkedmom's picture

With a history like that I would never turn my back on her either, she seems like she would stab you in it given a seconds chance.

SisterNeko's picture

Yeah that I why I may have been a little mean, just my way of letting her know that I don't like/trust her. Everyone was saying that she seemed to be reaching out and 'so nice' lol. I guess I should have put that on my 1st post. that is how she works.

hereiam's picture

"why was I so mean when BM seemed to be reaching out..."

I get it completely. Hubby and I knew anytime ex-wife was even semi-decent (which was VERY rare), she was up to something evil.