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Recent Blog Posts

It's a great day in the neighborhood....

apd's picture

Good Morning I'm in a good place today and want to share the good that has happened. So BM was still a total bitch to me at hockey this past Sunday and I swear she tries to do things to not get us to come there and I explained to my BF what she said and did when we got home that night. I didn't do it to start trouble but just to let him know. I think for the first time I actually said it out of disbelief but more casual then heated. I also that day talked with him about getting his mom and sister and brother and kids together for a little birthday party for his son who turns 7 this week.

More nitpicky things

Nymh's picture

We wanted to get SS a certain thing for his birthday, but BM argued with us about it and brought up all these reasons not to get it for him. Then we find out that she's getting this very thing for him for Christmas... OK... just a few months ago she had a dozen reasons why he shouldn't have gotten it for his birthday, and somehow it's now ok for her to get it for him for Christmas?

Lost affections

Number2Blues's picture

The last few weeks have been really hard for me in my relationship with my boyfriend...who has a 8 year old daughter. We have been having conversations about changes that have recently taken place in our relationship, most of which have been for the worse. Beginning of last week I asked him to make more of an effort to treat me how he did when we first got together. I know that things change in every relationship, but the things he used to do for me are the things that made the relationship worth working on.

Is it our jobs ot save the step kids?

tyra's picture

I was reading a recent post and thought here we all are trying our best to save or help out step kids and to do our very best as parents. Many of us have been thrown into this and are just finding our way ourselves. Someone in one of the post wrote that we can do whatever we like but the Biomom has the power to undermine us even if the kids interest are in the forefront but because it is the stepmom it is a bad idea.

She drives me crazy

tyra's picture

Things have been pretty quiet aorund here lately. My mind seemed to be a peace with things. Until......well, it started a week ago. My Sd is in my brother's wedding and the dress fitting had to be arranged around people in the party that are coming in from overseas. So my Dh asked the ex if we could have SD for about an hour to do the dress fitting on one of her access times. ABSOLUTLE not arrange things on my access times. Really it is out of our control and I believe she is being spiteful because it is my brother's wedding.

Am i being selfish to my son

purdy's picture

I have not seen my ex husband in almost 4 years because he lives in a different province but he does call my son and talks to him alot which is good.Here is my problem my son wants to move with him for 1 year because he misses his dad badly he did go and see him for 2 weeks in the summer.My ex seems to have gotten his life together has got a house and has a girlfriend whom seems to show intrest in my son which is important.My dilemma is i would not see my son at least until summer when he can come and visit me.I know that a boy needs his father and it would break my heart to say no to him b

Bonusfamilies Question

Nymh's picture

Has anyone here ever used the anonymous suggestion option on What type of reaction did you get, if any? Did it help at all or make things worse? I am thinking about sending the link BM's way but I have this sinking feeling that it would just make things worse. Does anyone have any feedback on this?

I'm kind of scared to 'open [this] can of worms'...

monica68's picture

Okay, *deep breath* here goes: My husband and I have been married a little over 7 years. He and I each had a boy and a girl when we got married (my daughter was 9, and my son was 6, his son was 5 and his daughter was 3).
My children were very angry and resentful of my new husband from the start. He is a very kind, loving man, and they were angry, mean and abusive after the first year, for about 3-4 years. He did not come in and 'try to be the dad' I've required that they be respectful to him, because "he is my husband, period."
And it's been a constant battle.
