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Ok this is what I received back from our insurance company on the step-daughter and medical insurance. My brain has processed so much already with my cancer and treatments that this is not making any sense to me. Can somebody help me translate this? Is it saying that because we were ordered in the divorce to carry insurance that we have to continue until she's 24 or am I reading it the wrong way? The step-daughter is 19, unmarried, lives with her biomom and has a full time job, not going to school. Thanks!
I guess the fairytale is over...well at least the part about the BM being indifferent. I guess I'll have to backtrack to give a little history. I met my DH where we both work about 3 years ago which SS at the time was 8 years old (50/50 joint custody every other week). Though SS needed some structure in his life, he is the sweetest & loving boy any SM could want. Throughout 2 yrs of dating/living-together, I never heard a word from BM. She was very indifferent to me, DH, & never even asked SS about me.
Good Morning, well I've been at this site now for a few weeks and can no longer call myself a newbee. The comments I've received have been helpful and I'm grateful that I have this site and resource for what sounds like alot of us go through. Its weird that in such a short period of time that all of these good and bad things have happened and now after reading yesterday's blog regarding the holidays I'm reminded of what's to come!
Last night was ok i guess i just have a question that you gals might be able to help me out.I have noticed that the last couple holidays halloween and thanksgiving my husband has been a little distant.My stepkids have been with us for every holiday except the last few.I have 1 bio son who just turned 11 and he lives with us he never sees his own father because he lives across the country maybe once a year if he is lucky.My husband never seems to put the effort in to my son if his kids are not around for instance last night we took him to my moms house to trick or treat because we live in th
I just needed to vent a bit today and I figured what better place to do it than here with people who know a bit about what I'm going through.
Well yesterday I went to see Dr. Reaves, the oncologist. Who is also the same doctor that my mother used when she had cancer. My appointment was for 1:30 pm. So we drive to the hospital where his office is located and it looks as if the building had been evacuated. It was a fire drill! First of all, they had about 15 chemo patients standing outside attached to their IV's and it hit me. I will be one of them soon. Several looked really good and actually healthy and others looked like death warmed over. It was such a shock to see this for me. I got a little "teary".
The X is generally unbearable and you all know exactly what I mean! Is it okay to have separate meetings? Do teachers generally allow that? How do we ask without making it sound like we're asking for special treatment (and more work for the teacher) because we're too childish? And without sounding like we're trying to cut the biomom out or be petty/competitive with her? I'm a new stepmom with no kids of my own and this is my first time with parent teacher conferences. My husband has joint custody with visitation evenly split.
Last time SS couldn't come on visitation because he was sick. BF said that when he talked to SS on the phone he really sounded genuinely sick, so I thought nothing of it. BM agreed to let him come extra to make up for it. This time, however, BF drove all the way out to get him and when he got there SS told him he didn't want to come. We received no phone call, no email, no message whatsoever to call before he went out there. When he came back without his son he tried to be positive but I could tell he was crushed.
We got a letter in the mail Saturday for a child support review. In your personal experiences, has the support increased all the time? This is the first review for us. When the order was first enforced was when they divorced. Now...our situation is this...married to me of course, I have two girls from prev. marriage and my ex sends about $300 month support for my 2 girls, and of course I'm sure like others, we live from paycheck to paycheck. Even though my ex sends $300 support that does not cover much for them.
The birthday party went great! We had enough of everything we needed (one child did not show up). They had a great time…getting them to sing loud was like pulling teeth, some of them acted really shy…but after the “competition” was over, they were on the microphone LOUD as can be…LOL…they all spent the night, boys and girls (ages 5-7) my husband slept in the front room with the boys and I slept in the back room with the girls…they stayed up telling stories and I know the girls didn’t go to sleep until after 1:30 AM!!!