Can someone calm me down please, I am so mad and disappointed in SS.
A 13 year old (my boyfriends son) stayed the weekend at my house,with his brother and my two boys..all weekend long...Today, he broke his skateboard and decided dad should buy him a new one. His father was ordered by the court to pay his mother $4200/month for child support and spousal, so needless to say, dad doesnt have a lot of money. He gets by..he will never own or be able to rent his own place, so he lives with his parents and stays at my home somtimes. He is 42 years old, worked for the government for 27 years and literally has nothing, not even any contents of his own home..and no respect from his children. Mother is a doper, smoker, non educated, no ambition person, who feels her husband should pay her support for life because he left her...and still after 18 months still vendictive.
SS decided he was going to have a hissy fit in the van with his dad, brother and my youngest son who is 6 years old. He continue to say the "f" word approximately 10 times and told his father he never wanted to see him again...he is a deadbeat all things that we know come from the mother..etc etc. all because dad said no to buying a skateboard....he knows better than to talk like that around me...I guess thats why he took the opportunity to speak like that in the van.
I spoke to him on the phone tonight before his father took him home and I told him his behaviour is unacceptable and he is no longer welcome in my home with a trash mouth like that. And That he owes a lot of people apologies and how could he even think about speaking that way....I could tell in his voice he really didnt care. I want to take all his presents and my families presents back and I do not want to see him at Christmas time......we had lots of activities planned during Christmas and News Years, and I am so disappointed in him, I really don't want to see him.
Can someone calm me down and tell me I have overracted and that it is just his mothers parenting techniques that have made him act this way.....
- Shar's blog
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I think you have a right to be upset...
you're in the right place for venting too! lol
Personally, I don't care who's child you are, you will not talk like that in my home, van, presence- period. Had that been me, I'd pull over that van in a heartbeat and give him a good ol fashion eye to eye, adult vs child, and I'M THE ADULT, etc... You know, the whole thou shalt not talk back, etc etc... Then pull over to the nearest grocery store, buy a bar of soap and shove it in his mouth as my mother did... ummm the taste of Zest. Or hot scauce, that I quickly learned! But I know some reading this would object to that, but sometimes, some of these kids out there need that good ole fashion punishment.
Perhaps he needs a set of goals to earn that skateboard instead? Like an earned allowance? If he wants a new one so bad, let him earn it instead. That way, he may take more pride in his things.
I think I would take it all
I think I would take it all away, not give him anything else, for God's sake. Make up a set of rules and consequences, communicate them to the child and then enforce, enforce, enforce. Every time he dropped an f-bomb, I'd confiscate something important... computer, iPod, cell phone, etc. He gets them back when he demonstrates proper behavior or goes back to his mother's house, whichever comes first.
Ah, Step Mom, those were the days! A bar of soap, a well-placed backhand... what happened to the days when kids had a healthy respect for their parents and truly feared the consequences of bad behavior? I can still hear my great-grandfather telling us, "You kids don't want me to get my razor strop, do you?" Not that he ever would, he was the kindest, gentlest man that ever walked the earth, but we all felt such a great respect and even reverence for him. We never would have acted ugly enough to warrant him taking that strop to the backs of our legs, not that he would have ever really done it. But we respected him enough not to push him to find out if he would!
~ Anne ~
I'm with you Anne
I was once told on this site that I was "abusive" b/c my dh and I used a hair cut as a form of punishment, and my dh slapped my ss upside his head for backtalking, being disrespecting and lying...omg the lying. To this day he lies so bad! Anyhow..I totally agree, I think corporal punishment works.
My ss was lying last year so bad, it was horrible. We took away everything, and nothing worked. We told my ss that when he told the truth than he would no longer be grounded. He grounded himself for 3 weeks! Everyone thought that we were being overbearing (my ss forged my signature at school then lied and said I forged my own signature just to get him in trouble). SS came clean, got ungrounded, then lied again. Well, my dh was fed ss likes to wear long hair. He took him to supercuts and got him a hair cut. High and tight! Oh my ss would not speak to us for days!
I was not spanked often, but the option was always there. So I knew better than to cross the line, b/c if I did, well either my face or my ass was going to feel the heat. It just enrages me today when people judge you for disciplining your kids...labeling you "abusive" and "wrong". What is wrong is how kids are behaving these days!
I would make different plans for the holidays...
You have every right to be upset, and withholding gifts that your famly and you purchased isn't wrong. If you do want to give him those gifts anyways, relabel them coming only from dad. My ss is not a well liked child in my family, and my family refuses to buy him gifts (all but my mother, she gives him $10 for bdays and holidays). When my ss backtalked my brother in his house, my brother got in his face and backed him up against the wall and verbally gave it to him. My dh later thanked him (we were not there at the time).
This year for Christmas, my ss made his list...laptop, ps3, nintendo wii, his own pc, and his do not buy of any kind, movies, games I didn't specify...
Let me tell you something, my ss is lazy, is rude, disrespectful, and does the bare minimum to get by. My dh and I did not buy anything on his Christmas list. In fact, just to play with his ego, I'm going to buy socks for his Christmas gift:) I guarantee he will be disappointed with the gifts he received from dh and I. My dh even told ss "for Christmas, you get what you deserve..." if my ss was well mannered, and behaved, and rarely backtalked, well we would have gotten the things on his Christmas list. But he isn't, so therefore, we bought him items we felt were good for him (like guitar amp, guitar rack, headphones...all equal in value of a nintendo wii).
Now if my ss dropped an fbomb in my vehicle, I would pull over and smack him in the mouth. I've stated that before, and my ss knows I will take it there if he does that. Soap is a good idea too:) But you have to be on the same page of music as mom, our bm doesn't like ss's attitude either, so when we discipline him she thanks us (there are times she has underminded us in the past, but now that he behaves so badly, she now supports us). If your bm doesn't support your dh's disciplining this child, well, he will probably go undisciplined.
I still think you should
I still think you should give him coal with those socks. ;0)
Good suggestion!
Update on ss...he pulled the wool over moms is truly disorganized and doesn't have a clue as to what the school schedule is. Well ss told his mom that early release was on Tuesday, and he really wanted to go to Grandma's house (other side of State), and he would only miss 1.5 days of school if she let him go (yes this is the same child that has already missed a buttload of school this year). So without asking if we were okay with this, she sent him to her mothers. I called her yesterday to inform her that early release was NOT Tuesday, but Wednesday. So ss is missing another 3 days of school. SS made bm look like a total dumbass...
Well, I just might put coal in those socks. He is a pathelogical liar and I just made an appointment with our therapist for me and bm to discuss the future. Bm is wanting ss to move back in with us, and I will support that under certain circumstances.
After this last episode, dh is thinking about taking away one of his Christmas gifts....but he isn't sure it is the right thing to do...I'm like "HELL YES IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!"
Also, for punishment for lying to skip school, I'm suggesting that bm does not write him an excused absent form so that he receives detention;)
Now you're talking!
I think that this is a perfect time to give SS an example of what it means to EARN what you get. Damn straight take any expensive presents back and give him only things that he really needs... such as soap to wash his mouth with since he likes to lie, coal in his socks since he thinks that Santa doesn't know he's being naughty, a dictionary to study from, a pen and paper so that he can make a sentence for every word in that dictionary to your satisfaction, a chair to keep his butt in for school...
oh yeah, and I almost for got... a bible- so he knows what CHRISTmas is all about...
I'm printing this one out Step Mom!
Thanks...I'm printing this for my dh to read! I don't get why both my dh and bm feel "guilty" over ss. My dh does discipline him, but when it comes to Christmas...he starts to second guess himself. Trust me, if my son did this...I would have hauled his ass back from Seattle, and whooped it, and taken away all the expensive gifts!
My dh and I came into a ps3, and originally we were going to sell it on ebay. But..a friend of ours really wanted it, so we sold it to him. Well my dh told ss of this, and I truly thought he was going to cry. Well, my dh told him just to let him know we can afford one..but he doesn't deserve one...and he even said.."For Christmas ss, you get what you deserve..." I think I will help dh out a little, and just take the ps2 game back myself. The guitar gear will help keep him active in music, so I feel he "needs" them...but I'm putting soap in his stocking;)
Oh yeah...I do have an appointment with the therapist, myself and January:) This shit has got to stop!
I agree with the guitar gear...
I think that's a great outlet for him, and that he certainly could use that. Socks, underwear, pjs, pants, shirts, you name it... he needs it. lol.
Including all current suggestions....
with $4200 a month in support I would say "Ask Mom to buy it"!![Wink](
I like that idea too! lol
I like that idea too! lol