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the_stepmonster's Blog

Victory is Ours!

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My typically passive DH actually called his lawyer to check on the status of the custody modification filing yesterday. Turns out it has been processed and we are getting a copy TODAY! Do you realize what this means?? This means that if he works swiftly, he can submit the processed documents to his HR department this morning and they will NO LONGER WITHHOLD CS! That means tomorrow we get an additional $825 in our bank account twice a month! We have decided that if all goes according to plan we are going to take the SDs out for big fancy celebratory dinner.

Life Update

the_stepmonster's picture

It's been almost 2 weeks since I blogged so I figured it was time for an update. SD11 has been with us for three weeks straight at this point. This past weekend we took her to her grandparents' home so she could spend Easter with her mother and sisters. Surprisingly BM actually showed up and even took them to a movie! Of course, even though BM couldn't be bothered to be a mother and even feed and clothe her children, taking them to a movie for the first time in over a year was enough to make her MOTY in their eyes. It will always be this way, but whatever.

The School Bus Saga

the_stepmonster's picture

SD11 has been living with us for a total of one week. Every single morning she begs one of us to drive her to school so she doesn't have to ride the bus, which literally picks her up about 4 houses down from us. At her mother's house, she rode the bus every day to and from school, but for some reason thinks that we have nothing better to do in the mornings.

Maniacal Laugh

the_stepmonster's picture

On Monday DH registered SD11 in school in our district. He also signed her up for classes for next year. Much to her dismay he made her enroll in AP English and AP Reading. She tried to counter with "But mommy never made me do AP classes! She was okay with me doing the average classes!" Oh, that must be why she is flourishing in her lucrative career of being a hostess at a strip club.

Bat S*** Crazy

the_stepmonster's picture

The Lunatic texted DH saying she wanted the kids back in the Fall. I am convinced she is 100% nuts. Let's run down the laundry list of her MOTY-ness:

- Feeding the kids Pringles and Fruit roll-ups for dinner because that's what she picked up at the gas station on her way to get her wine fix.

- Passing out on the front lawn.

- Washing only her clothes and trashing SD's room but throwing all her dirty clothes all over her floor.

- Forcing SD to beg us to buy her trash bags and laundry detergent for her house because her mother refuses to buy any.

It Begins

the_stepmonster's picture

We unexpectedly took custody of SD11 on Friday because the Lunatic decided she wanted to fulfill her dream of being a hostess at a strip club without any regard as to who will be looking after her child at night. Also when I say "we unexpectedly took custody" that means my husband unilaterally called his ex and said "Hey since you have this new job, why don't I just take her" and she agreed and I found out afterward.

My baby shower was this weekend but I will write about that later.


the_stepmonster's picture

At what age do parents stop "tucking in" their kids? I don't think it's a problem now (the one that insists on being "tucked in" whether she is ready for bed or not is 10) but it made me wonder when she when grow out of it. At 12? 13? Last night the girls were playing video games in their room around 10:30pm. Since its the weekend we usually let them play for a while.. DH and I were both exhausted so he went to tell them good night. This is when SD10 freaked out and told him "what??

Heartburn (Literally)

the_stepmonster's picture

SD10 has been complaining of heartburn since Wednesday. She is overweight for her age and that day my fantastic husband thought it was a great idea to feed her pancakes, fried hot wings, ice cream, spaghetti with red pepper flakes, and then s'mores. All of which she had seconds. So of course she had heartburn. All night DH basically cradled her in his arms while alternating different medications and water. Lesson learned? Heartburn = Daddy treating me like a baby. Don't get me wrong. She definitely needed to be treated and he properly comforted her. I have no problem with that.

Is Spring Break Over Yet?

the_stepmonster's picture

I'm ready for Spring Break to be over. The mini-wives have been here since Sunday night and every day they manage to make a disaster of the bathroom, the bedroom and the game room. I'm talking everyday they take all their clothes out of their dresser and they end up in all three rooms, they manage to knock down the towel holders and not pick them up, leave wet towels everywhere and then ask for a new towel everyday as if I am running a hotel, etc. That doesn't even include the constant fighting and "Daddydaddydaddy" that I have to hear every 5 seconds.

Well That Was Fast

the_stepmonster's picture

I guess MOTY couldn't wait until the end of the semester, or even spring break, or hell, even the weekend, to lose her mind. BM called her parents in the middle of the night last night telling them that she gives up and to take the kids. Amazing.
