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Well That Was Fast

the_stepmonster's picture

I guess MOTY couldn't wait until the end of the semester, or even spring break, or hell, even the weekend, to lose her mind. BM called her parents in the middle of the night last night telling them that she gives up and to take the kids. Amazing.

So now we are going tomorrow to go pick up SD11 and take her to get discharged from her old school and enrolled in school in our town. In the mean time, DH is having the lawyer write up the custody modification agreement so he can have BM sign it ASAP. SD5 will stay with her grandparents until the summer since we have no where to put her now and SD9 will also stay since she has already been enrolled in school with the grandparents since January. As of July though DH and I will have all three steps plus the LO in my belly full time. I fully blame FormerAAGirl for starting the crazy BM trend.

In a way, I am happy because we don't have to worry about whether or not the girls have enough to eat or whether their alcoholic mother is passed out leaving them to fend for themselves. No child should have to live through that. On the other hand, I am resentful. All I wanted was to be able to spend a couple months bonding with my baby. I am not taking maternity leave to take care of hard to handle stepchildren. I am taking it to spend time with my first baby. Part of me thinks that BM is doing it on purpose. She knows I am about to have this baby and wants attention. Or maybe she really is just the world's shittiest mother. I don't know and I don't care. I just wish she was a normal mother.


SisterNeko's picture

You are saintly. I know you want to be with your baby - and you still can to a point - but this sounds like the best thing for the sKids. And who know maybe spending more time with you and your SO will turn them around a little and they won't be so bad.

DeeDeeTX's picture

If she's an alcoholic, I'm sure she's not doing it on purpose. Maybe stress and resentment over you is causing her to crash harder, but her life is so fucked up right now, I doubt she's doing it to spite you.

I don't have any words of wisdom...except maybe if things get too rough don't be afraid to check out for a few days...go to a friends' house or your parents, or even a hotel.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I would just say I was expecting an idyllic birth experience, plus plenty of time bonding with baby and husband, plus no stress over DH/BM/SKs.

It didn't happen. At all. You are probably not going to get the experience you wanted either, from the sounds of things right now. I would just say, get yourself into counseling, get medication, get away from husband//SKs, whatever. But take care of your mental sanity first if things start to get bad, ok?

Not saying they will for you, but I just ignored all the warning signs because I wanted what I had imagined so bad, it made me crash even harder when I realized it wasn't.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Wishing you much luck in this journey. Maybe you can have your baby and stay somewhere else at least for one week so you can enjoy the baby in peace? No matter what, you are a strong & caring woman to be willing to take on so much. God bless.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Well if BM is gonna get any attention from this it certainly will not be positive attention! I hope everything works out for you!