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CS to us when we have SD

SPCAMutt26's picture

My boyfriend's ex and daughter live in another state from us so she comes to live with us when she is off school for about 3 months. The agreement is that for the months that she is living with us that the Ex pays us back the CS. My bf and I both agree that it isn't fair to pay her for the months that we have her and we are the ones taking care of her. The problem this summer though is that the Ex is now playing games....since the birth of her new baby. She claims that she mailed us the money order and it was cashed and we must have it. We do not have the money and we are now faced with the worry that this may be a trend. I know having a baby is hard on your own but it isn't my problem when you choose to have another baby and can't afford it. My bf has since dropped the issue with her since she just wants to argue about it. I don't want to see this repeated again next there a way to get this in writing or file this with child support to stop payments during certain times?? He has the money automatically deducted from his account so he doesn't have to mess with money orders every month.

briarmommy's picture

We pay during the summer even though we have the child but at least in our state what they do instead of have the child support cut off and switch who pays just to switch it back they just have you pay less all year. So really we only pay for 9mths but we pay it over 12, it may be like that in your state to, they do it to save paperwork and complication with direct withdrawl from the paycheck.