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missing stepdaughter :(

SPCAMutt26's picture

I guess you could say I'm a "part time" stepmother to a 6 year old girl. We live states apart and she comes to live with us for 3 months during the summer and every other Christmas. I don't have kids of my own and during those months I love her and treat her like my own. At times I really wish that I didn't care or love her so much because when she leaves it just breaks my heart. I want to do more than just vacations and Christmas...I want to do the sports and the school projects and the homework. The fun day to day stuff and just seeing them grow up. I know parenting is hard, our days with her aren't all peachy but when she is nice and sweet and says she loves me its just the best feeling in the world. I just want to know how you long distance stepmoms do it when you can't see them all the time?

seeingitfrombothsides's picture

No advice, just (((hugs))). It was really tough when we were LDparenting SS. Things changed and he now lives with us, but I remember those days. It was especially tough on my DD because she would miss her brother so much!!

Doubletakex3's picture

Is her BM sane? Maybe you two could be pen pals or Skype pals?

I wrote my grandparents every other week for 20+ years. I have all the letters back and forth over the years and they are now priceless keepsakes and even like a journal.