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the_stepmonster's Blog

O/T Sort of. Pregzilla on the loose.

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That would be me of course. On today's episode of Pregzilla:

Me: We need to take baby classes at the hospital.

DH: Why?

Me: (Has slight panic attack) Because I have no idea how to have a freaking baby, okay?!

DH: Well like what don't you know?

Me: You know, like how long are you supposed to hold their heads for? And how often are they supposed to eat? And at what point can you put them on their stomachs? Basically I don't know anything about having a baby.

I Hope She's This Dumb

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Dh got a letter from BM's attorney requesting his new physical address. She is of course entitled to know where he lives and where her children stay but has never in the 6 years they've been divorced bothered to care.

She has been bitching about not having enough money lately but not only does she get more than a reasonable amount each month, she just fired her $1500/month nanny and bought SD11 an iPhone for no reason. Because of her bitching I am thinking that she is planning on serving DH to appear in court to discuss a CS modification.

Nice Parenting BM

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So last week BM fired her nanny. Apparently the nanny had the nerve to confront BM about her drinking and BM decided she didn't need a nanny after all (which I could have told her before she hired her).

So what does BM do with all that extra money now that she isn't spending her entire CS check on an unnecessary nanny? She buys SD11 an iPhone. Yup. A brand new iPhone for an 11 year old. Please keep in mind that this is the same BM who is way behind on all her bills to the point that all her services were shut off not even a month ago.

Update to I Need Therapy

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I had a talk with DH about how I have been feeling and how I don't want to take my anger and resentment out on a defenseless 5 year old. I let him know that I don't want to bog him down by complaining all the time and that it's time that I see someone to talk through my issues.

Putting my foot down

the_stepmonster's picture

As we all know, BM shipped SD9 off to live with grandma who lives 2 hours away from us. This weekend is our weekend with them and grandma is taking SD9 to BM's so DH can pick her up when he gets the other girls. He told me though that the plan right now is that he drops the girls off at BM's and SD9 off at grandma's. Two hours away. That means we are at least looking at a 5 hour trip back and forth.

Blog Hog Alert - BM May Be Going Off the Deep End

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I called DH this afternoon to discuss his plans for picking up the girls (SD9 at grandma's, SD5 and SD11 at BM's) and our weekend plans. He let me know he finally put his foot down with BM and absolutely will not be travelling an additional hour out of his way to pick up SD9 just b/c BM can't handle her.

Nooooo! Two skid weekends in a row :(

the_stepmonster's picture

Apparently the visitation schedule got screwed up somehow over the holidays and now we have the SD's this weekend as well. After the chaos and the fighting of this past weekend I don't know if I can take it. On top of it all, a couple weeks ago BM sent SD9 to live with her grandmother an additional hour away (BM lives 1 hour away, Grandma 2 hours away) and I just KNOW that my pushover DH is going to end up driving all the way over there to pick her up and drop her off even though it was BM's decision to send her there with no input from DH.

Let's see how long this lasts

the_stepmonster's picture

DH and I had a long talk about how I feel like I am second class family during skid weekends and how we can correct it. DH is firm on not wanting me to disengage. He said it feels like I am abandoning him and that I am not trying. In response, I let him know that if he does not want me to disengage, things have to change.
