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the_stepmonster's Blog

Jealous of a Crib

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So, the SD's are already jealous of the baby who is still in my womb. DH and I bought a crib and changing table off of eBay and Craigslist and painted the nursery a couple weeks ago. We also helped the girls fix up their room, bought them new bedding, ran cable to their tv, etc. Their reaction?

"Daddy, how come the baby gets a crib? We didn't get a crib!"

Wrapped around her finger

the_stepmonster's picture

Just when I think "Gee, I have absolutely nothing to blog about this week!" SD9 strikes again. The SD's live about an hour away with their mother. We are supposed to pick them up tomorrow afternoon for our EOWe visit. Apparently this isnt soon enough for good ole SD9. She called my DH in tears about half an hour ago because her mother can't make her choir recital because she has to work. Boo-effing-hoo. How do you think your "daddy" is able to give your mother CS money? I'll give you a hint: it's not because he is sitting around all day waiting for your calls SD.

Update to Another MIL Rant or HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

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Yesterday my DH gave me the best birthday present ever. If you remember, a couple of days ago I wrote about how my DH wanted to drive 3 hours to his mothers house and bring her Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people. This woman has never said one nice thing to me, never acknowledged our wedding, and flat out didn't show up to our wedding even though DH paid all the expenses for her (we had a destination wedding in the Bahamas). At the end of the blog, I said there really is no decision because I want to support my husband and if this is what he wants to do I will go along.

O/T: Another MIL Rant

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I guess the holidays emphasize MIL issues because I had thankfully not thought about this woman in quite a while. DH and I were engaged last June and were married this past May. Last year, DH and I and his kids drove the 3 hours to his mother's house to spend Christmas Day with her. While there, she did not once acknowledge my existence, I offered to help in the kitchen and was shooed away, she asked zero questions about our wedding and, as we were leaving, gave the steps a present from her to their mother right in front of me. DH and BM have been divorced since 2006 and never talk.

Not even 9am and I am sick of SD9

the_stepmonster's picture

I swear, she knows the exact things to say to make me cringe. So far this morning she has told her 4 year old sister to shut up for no reason because she was trying to watch a movie, talked about how her maternal grandparents cook soooo much more bacon for them for breakfast than we do (don't worry SD, it's quite obvious you've been hitting the bacon hard), proclaimed to me that DH is HER daddy when I sat down next to him and immediately ran over and sat in his lap, and whined that she did not want to go to church because she had a self-made play date with the neighbor.

I Called It...

the_stepmonster's picture

...Well, almost. Yesterday I blogged about how BM was already laying the ground work to try and switch weekends with DH. I told DH when the kids didn't come over last weekend (sleepovers and spending time with maternal grandparents) that that was her decision and we didn't get a vote, therefore when she tries to pawn them off on us this weekend, it will be a no-go. We have plans this weekend that were made based on when we are supposed to have the kids according to the schedule.
