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Not even 9am and I am sick of SD9

the_stepmonster's picture

I swear, she knows the exact things to say to make me cringe. So far this morning she has told her 4 year old sister to shut up for no reason because she was trying to watch a movie, talked about how her maternal grandparents cook soooo much more bacon for them for breakfast than we do (don't worry SD, it's quite obvious you've been hitting the bacon hard), proclaimed to me that DH is HER daddy when I sat down next to him and immediately ran over and sat in his lap, and whined that she did not want to go to church because she had a self-made play date with the neighbor. These things alone would not result in a retreat on my way but when combined with her spoiled whiny voice and entitled attitude, I'm done with her for the day.

On a lighter note we informed SD11 about the baby on the way and she was more excited than I gave her credit for, with the exception of asking DH if he was still going to love her more. Whatever. At this point I'll take what I can get. Is it terrible that I can't wait to tell SD9 now out of spite knowing how jealous it will make her?


the_stepmonster's picture

Update: DH is now dancing with them to old Nat King Cole songs while his pregnant frustrated and annoyed wife is trapped in her bedroom. I think this is grounds for divorce.

stepmomto3's picture

hahaha!! I feel you!! Im in the same preggo boat. SD10 knows just how to make me go cross eyed! I tell her "Im about two seconds from turning into the Kraken!" she goes whats the Kraken and I go "A giant terrifying octopus with eight arms and big teeth that eat snotty little kids!!!!" she seems to get my point most of the time lol