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Victory is Ours!

the_stepmonster's picture

My typically passive DH actually called his lawyer to check on the status of the custody modification filing yesterday. Turns out it has been processed and we are getting a copy TODAY! Do you realize what this means?? This means that if he works swiftly, he can submit the processed documents to his HR department this morning and they will NO LONGER WITHHOLD CS! That means tomorrow we get an additional $825 in our bank account twice a month! We have decided that if all goes according to plan we are going to take the SDs out for big fancy celebratory dinner. Of course, they will have no idea what we are celebrating, but DH and I will know and even though I can't drink I am sure I will be drunk with relief and happiness.

Is it bad that I am relishing in the thought of BM checking her account tomorrow and seeing she is short almost $1000?


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Hurrah hurrah! I am so happy for you!

I can't wait until our final CO is entered in a week (pleasepleasepleaseplease let them not file for a continuance like they did 5 times already.) Rooting for you!

stepmama2one's picture

Nice!! Love it! Wouldnt you give ANYTHING to be the fly on the wall when she realizes she isnt getting her money anymore??!! HAHAHAHAHA Blum 3

the_stepmonster's picture

Yes! She actually spent a weekend with them for the first time in months and they thought she was the best mom ever for taking them to the movies and OMG! even buying soda and popcorn! In my head I was thinking "You're welcome. She is taking care of zero kids and collecting almost $2000/month so the LEAST she could do is take y'all to a movie." I held my tongue though.

I did think it was amusing that SD11 told us "Mommy said she is working on her drinking. But it probably doesn't help that she is working at a bar now." SD11 is officially smarter than her mother.

stepmama2one's picture

OH.MY.GOD! Yeah when my husband didnt have custody of his daughter he payed BM $500.00 for one child and she would live it up. Of course NEVER paying anything for SD with the "child" support. When we would tell her to stop living it up on his child's money she would say," Your measly little chump change aint supportin me." I make almost $3000.00 a month on my own money!" Really? okay then why is my husband paying you so much of his money when you are making more then him?? The reason WHY she was making $3000.00 a month was because we were giving her $500.00, her sugar daddy was giving her $900.00, she was working at a strip club, as a stripper, not the hostess like yours is haha, and she was working as a uncertified medical assistant part time. So yeah I guess it is easy to make that much money when you are TAKING money instead of EARNING it honestly....He paid that scum of a woman $13,000.00 in a time span of only 16 months because it included agreable arrears but since he got custody she cant seem to pay him a MEASLY $199.00 a month child support. She is behind $1,400.00 in support because she hasnt paid ONE dime since the child support order was established