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Oh the holidays!! FUN, FUN!!

momagainfor4's picture

I know that I don't deal with half of what some of you do during the holidays but I find myself getting really frustrated with the situation at times.
Here we are again and sweet princess, sd15 won't communicate with her dh but she'll text him about random crap that has no bearing on their relationship at all. Just bragging.
He thinks that means she's really interested in talking to him. When it's obvious she's just rubbing crap in his face. But he'll respond with all glitter and rainbows. Gush, gush!!

It's painfully obvious that she cares nothing about being around him or his family. And she doesn't plan to come here to visit us anytime soon. She has found a reason that she can't come for 6 months. Her latest excuses are that she's in high school, she has a life. She's got friends, parties, football games, homework..just so much stuff that she's just so so so so so so busy!! Which I find totally hilarious due to the fact that she's a teenager!! Not a grown up with normal responsibilities like holding down a job so you can pay your rent and electricity! Or buy groceries.. I mean come on!! She's just under so much pressure and spending time here with her dad would just not do at all.

But the total truth is that she doesn't want to come here because she's not the entire and complete center of attention of her daaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Plus there is my family that she professes to just hate being around but wants to attend my daughter's wedding.
Last week she even texted him this big long message about how he just doesn't know what she goes through, she's been having mental breakdowns for 15 years of dealing with him and maybe she just needs a break from him for awhile. I was shocked that she would type that but oh well. She went on to say a lot of other hurtful things. So much that I wondered if she's been reading too many teenage angst books? OH the injustice!!!

Oh but let's think this though a bit, there's a twist here... it's Christmas time!!!! Heck yeah sd is gonna start communicating in some way to dear old papa dollar signs!! How can she avoid daddy but still get all her presents??
I did assure my dh that at least he will get some attention from her bc she's gonna be talking to him in order to get her presents like every other year. I also told him that he better not spend a ton of money on her this year as he's done in the past. That he needs to buy her some decently priced gifts and then leave it at that. Whatever she get's from her mom's family is always so over the top that we couldn't possibly even come close to buying. Or even wanting to buy for that matter. We don't roll that way.

I should totally write a book on this crap!! It's crazy!


Evil stepmonster's picture

So, she's been having mental breakdowns since she was one? :jawdrop:

lol, she sounds sooooo wonderful. I hope you and your DH have a wonderful holiday and that her heiness doesn't ruin it for you with her crap.

momandmore's picture

oh yup... here we go! oldest SD moved out when she was 18. No communication unless she needed money for something. DH had to pay her to come and visit!! Now we really don't hear from her at all.. YAY for me!!
Just got a text from her last night asking what WE were up to.. yup.. me included. My first thought was XMAS time.

momagainfor4's picture

8 whole days!! what holiday hoggers!! lol, but seriously, I'd forgotten about the snooping already!! And the eavesdropping, that's what really pisses me off. Stop sneaking around listening to everything we say!

Sd will barely spend time with us before she's off on some grand vacation with her mom's family. We're just the pit stop so she can collect her money from her gd and aunts/uncles.

if this child wasn't so worshipped her whole life and just treated like a normal kid, things would be different. But even my dh is to blame. He's the one that never brings this stuff back up to her. Just glosses over it and and never makes her face her words.