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Vent and resignation with "doing the right thing"

ESMOD's picture

This is a vent, and I know I could be taking a much different and harder line with things.. but in the end, I think what is happening is the best option when all things are considered.. but still.. blech!

As I predicted years ago (and surprised we are this far down the road).. OSD is going to get a divorce from her DH.  They got married due to an ooops baby.. then ended up having a 2nd one a few years after that one.. despite the fact that their relationship has been fairly rocky.  Things have not been ideal for them.. and despite outward appearances.. nice home they built.. both have decent jobs.. kids are healthy.. nice vacation... not everything you see on social media is reality for them.

Her DH is a bit of a controlling jerk who drinks a bit too much.  He spends the majority of his free time hanging with his buddies and family.. and the things he enjoys are not things she enjoys.. she says she has "no friends".. and has nothing that is "hers" in her life.

But, OSD is no perfect peach herself.  She has her own issues.. and I don't think she really has the capability to be in "love" with anyone but herself.  She is vain.. concerned with appearances and is pretty selfish.  She even said the other day that "I don't want to be in a relationship.. but If a guy wants to spend money on me.. I will let him.. a lot of guys are just stupid and I will take advantage of that".. OOOF.. So.. in her mother's footsteps there.. a golddigger? sugarbaby? who knows.. she works a moderately low paying govt job.. but has no ambition because she somehow thinks she will be able to retire before 60 with her pension.  I don't think she understands that a pension will not be her full salary.. she likely will not have a lot of money at that point.. but who knows....

But.. again.. she and her DH are getting divorced.. and she will have to leave their home because it was built on land he is buying from his parents.. across the street from them.. so.. no. it's not an option for her to stay.. and she in no way could afford a home like that.

So... we are going to help her by allowing her to put a double wide on a part of our 25 acre waterfront land.  We are not giving her the land.. just going to let her use a portion of it.. yes.. for free.. she has to pay to put in the septic and pay the other costs including the house payment on a loan she is getting without our cosigning.


So.. what is my problem here?  See earlier where I said some less than flattering words about her outlook on life.  We get along ok but I don't think she is the nicest person.. and I am not a "kid" person and am not overly excited about having to spend much time with her and her two children.  We don't live on this property.. but go there almost every day to hang out.. and she will be THERE.. and I am really hoping that I don't get roped into spending a lot of time with her and the kids.  And.. we are hoping to build there ourselves in the next couple years.. so how will that work.. will I be able to set boundaries so that I don't feel our privacy is shot?  I don't know.. I hope so.

I mean.. my DH knows that I am not enamoured with hanging with kids.. and I don't have a problem making my needs known.. I just wish I didn't have to do it at all.

But.. as I said in the beginning.. this is the best option for her.. she doesn't make enough to buy anything.. only by getting the lot use for free will she be able to afford to do this.. so yeah.. she gets to live on my waterfront property .. before me.. a bit annoying..(no rentals are not readily available and house prices in our area have doubled in the past year due to our proximity to DC) but I will get over it.. I guess.. lol. 

Anyway.. pray for my strength hahaha.


AlmostGone834's picture

Ugh it's frustrating when their inability to sort out their own lives starts affecting ours. It's very generous of you to allow her to stay on your land instead of in a trailer park.

ESMOD's picture

I know.. right!  But.. she was trying to do the right thing by getting married when she got pregnant.. and she was even planning on leaving right before she got preg the 2nd time (swears was on who knows).. and has said she is going to go crazy if she has to stay.

I don't know.. I think she talks in circles a bit.. claims she has nothing.. no friends.. can't stand the situation.. yet.. talks about friends she has.. and we see her posts going places with people.  Claims  her DH is a jerk who spends all his time with friends.. in another breath she is talking about her making him do 50% with the kids and house..  She truly feels that the only way a woman can get into a house is by getting married to a guy.. despite the fact that she saw me owning my own home prior to meeting her dad.. 

I personally feel her own selfishness is part of their problem.. and that she has always been kind of an "off" person that doesn't seem to have a lot of capacity to have love or compassion for anyone but herself.  She and her DH seem to both be kind of inadequate at taking care of themselves too.. she claimes so much in their house is broken.. like the dishwasher.. and the toilets run all the time and that the hot water heater doesn't produce much HW.  When all of those things should be reasonably fixable by pretty much anyone with some amount of initiative.. I mean.. clearly the brand new home's water heater is just set too low.. the hot water is never hot.. just warm.. etc.. and the new well probably clogged the apperatus in the toilet.. so why hasn't her DH tried to replace it.. shoot.. I've replaced toilet works before.. it's not that technical....and he does a lot of mechanical and electrical stuff so it feels like pure laziness on their part that they live like that.

She works a low level govt job.. looking to that "early retirement".. and doesn't want to try to do any  more for herself.. her younger sister makes over 2x what she does!

The problem now is she has two young kids.. 3 and 6.. the three year old is not potty trained by the way.. claims he has no reason why other than they don't have time to deal with it. (lazy).She and her stbEX work full time jobs.. and I don't know what she thinks the rest of the world does.. it's not like I don't have things in my house that could use fixing that we all deal with.. or that we don't have friends to hang with all the time.. or hobbies or time for hobbies???   I mean.. her complaints seem to go full circle.. but she doesn't love her DH.. so it seems pointless to try to go to counseling.. which they have tried.. but neither of them can admit they are part of the problem.. so again.. no point.

Don't get me wrong.. I do get on with her ok.. but I'm not thrilled with the idea that she gets a soft landing when she has done little to put herself in that position.  and.. not super stoked about two little kids being around more.. I am not a huge kid person.. haha.  

There are no real trailer parks either near us.. it would be buy a lot or our place.. and unfortunately.. the cheapest lots would have put her out of budget for anythign.  She may be getting some settlement from the house they built.. but not sure how/when he will be able to pay.. since I'm sure he will want to avoid selling it. and I actually think she will not want him to either for her kid's sake.

I am trying to give her some pointers.. like don't just take 5050 or agree to less CS than the calculation provides.. also.. that she should get a custody plan and they should follow it vs being super whatever and flexible.. since that may work now.. but going forward if either or both of them end up with new partners.. as we know.. that becomes super difficult.

CajunMom's picture

ESMOD, I will definitely be praying for you. Very generous and kind of you to agree to that for your SD...your beautiful land.  Is there any way you can establish some simple boundaries? Or maybe go to a part of the land where she won't see you guys arrive? I'm a huge advocate of having places of tranquility in my I fully understand your concerns. Keep us posted. 

ESMOD's picture

We were hoping to put her on a piece that would have been a lot more out of our way.. but unfortunately.. my DH thought we were buying a couple extra acres that the owner said included a trailer with well/septic.. but I figured out it was not on the land we just bought for this purpose.. so it was kind of a back to the drawing board thing.. and we are going to put her in an open place near a storage building my dH built on the land.. which is not too near where we plan to build on the other side of the 25 acre property.. and we have another road in where we would not need to go through there.. but need to put gravel in it and do some more work to make it really drivable for non-4wd.  But.. you know kids.. they will be all over.. though hopefully they can learn some boundaries and I will just have to be fairly firm with my DH that he is free to go see them when he wants.. but he won't be hosting at our place.. lol... which he does pretty much understand my feelings.

I do feel bad for her.. even though it is somewhat due to her own making.. but we try to help family if we can.. and we are not giving her the land.. just allowing it to be used.. and the home could be moved in the future.. or we could buy it from her and rent it I guess too.

But.. yeah.. he may need to have a bit of a discussion with her on being mindful that we want our own privacy there as well.

Noway2b1's picture

15 years ago with the daughter of my ex. Luckily it fell flat because although offered a free home and place for 6 kids to roam it was just tooooo hard for her to even contemplate. It wasn't what she was really looking for anyways, she was hoping daddy warbucks would just throw more money at her like he had in the past, not offer any real long term solutions. Any chance the same thing will happen? 

ESMOD's picture

There is zero chance of my DH pulling any big money out for her.. he has actually not been working full time for the last few years due to a variety of reasons.. so we are more living on my salary.. so he really doesn't have the resources to do a big bail out for her.

And.. she should be getting something from the home they built after they got married.. but who knows when that will happen.. and her current situation just isn't workable long term.. her STBX has moved across the street with his parents.. but is over all the time.. she really needs to make a cleaner break.. His family has also interferred a lot with them.. so she really does need to be somewhere else.. and there are no short term rentals that are workable for her.

And.. yes.. as typical entitlement.. she "needs" a 3 br since she has two boys.. etc.. our land really is the most logical and most cost effective.

Unfortunately.. she doesn't have significant savings.. and is not the most world savvy person.. she didn't even realize she would need a check to put the deposit down on the home.. so guess who had to pull hers out and write a 2,500 dollar check?  Me.. (of course I did transfer funds to my acct from my husband's savings..hehehe).  she thought she could put it on a card... again.. I don't actually think she is scheming.. just clueless unfortunately.  She just has weird world views.. wanting to use guys for money and stuff.. thinking that her little state job with meager retirement is better than getting a good paying job... basically throwing her hands up over potty training her 3 yo.. because "she has only like 8 hours a week" with him.. I'm like.. ummmm you have weekends too right.. it's just easier to throw him in diapers than work on it.. smdh.  In a lot of ways she is just like her mom. sad but true.  I wish it were her younger sister who was moving there.. at least she is fun!

Noway2b1's picture

Of the bargain. I worked in care staff for the handicapped and disabled. We worked diligently on potty training many clients just to have the parents undo it in one weekend. It takes effort and commitment. We would start over every Monday, have them decently retrained by Wednesday lather rinse repeat. She sounds like a real treat.  

SteppedOut's picture

I'm surprised that the daycare she uses hasn't said anything.... when is she going to get the 3yr old in pre-k? At age 4? Kid will need to be FULLY potty trained for that.

ESMOD's picture

I know.. that is supposed to be something she is going to be working on more.. I don't know if the kid just hasn't been ready.. and he is currently with a babysitter.. who apparently has not been doing much to work on it.. we both told her she needs to step up and make it happen.. have that tough conversation with her sitter.. or find a new one.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Esmod you have a good heart. 

Im hoping I am wrong but I foresee future vent blogs.  Since you are very good at speaking your mind, and you and your DH are united, then hopefully all will go smooth. Well as smooth as step life can be.


ESMOD's picture

"as smooth as step life can be"... Indeed.

I mean.. It was MY idea for her to have a place on our actually "near" our property... I knew our neighbor supposedly owned property next to ours.. and he was selling it to us cheap.. I mean $5K for 2.5 acres and it wouldn't have been as obvious she was there since it was on a wooded piece on the front road vs the side road where our current way in is... but sigh... we sort of went on what the neighbor said about what they owned.. and they were incorrect.. so we now own 2.5 more acres than we did.. but not going to work since I don't think it would easily perk for a conventional septic there.. and it was going to be further to run water from our existing water well access. so the cheaper and easier option is to let her put something near the other road in a field where I used to keep a horse.. it is flat.. open and should perk fine since another perk site worked already on the adjoining lot we own and plan to put a house on someday. (I was going to be danged if she was going to put her place on the lot near the water.. lol..).  so she just has water views now.. and if we ever have to subdivide the property we can do that  probably without a lot of problems and let her have a couple acres there.. "non-waterfront" land.. I mean.. we own almost 28 acres.. so it's not like she is just 20 feet from us.. 

The other slight worry is she will have her mother over to her house and there is NO WAY my DH will stand for his EX to be on our land and hanging out there.. it is a non-starter.. and he says he has already told her that!

again.. it's one of those things where parents want to help their kids out of bad situations.. and it's a bit generous of me.. but I know she needs the help.. but there is a small bit of resentment that property we worked hard to buy she kind of gets the benefit of.. in fact more than me because we haven't been able to afford to build there ourselves yet. (though we did just pay it off within 5 years.. so hopefully we can build on it ourselves in the next couple of years... several acres away from her site.. lol)

Rumplestiltskin's picture

It makes sense for her to live on the property rent-free for now, until she gets back on her feet. But - you plan to build on the property, i'm guessing in a few years? Won't that be more than enough time for her to save money to move to a place of her own? She will have money from the sale of her home, probably child support, and she works full-time. Also, knowing her from what you say, she won't be single for long. You sound like you expect her to live on your property *forever*. Why?! I think the only thing missing in your plan is a launch plan. Before she meets a new guy and they start talking about building a house on the property. 

ESMOD's picture

I think we need to put a "buy out" clause for the double wide that if she wants to move she can either move the house to another lot.. or we could buy it from her for some set amount.. She is adamant she doesn't want a relationship again... (other than perhaps getting stupid men to give her stuff?... idk).  Unfortunately.. barring her getting together with someone.. there really isn't much getting on her feet in her future.. she has little prospect of making enough money to make that happen at her govt job.. and with two kids.. she doesn't really have much extra time to go to school or do a 2nd job really.. so I doubt that will happen either... (yeah.. I know it could.. but probably won't).

The reality is that it IS a large piece of property.. and maybe my DH could build them a little dock on some land closer to their site.. and that might keep them more on that side of the property... we also have a 2nd road cut through the woods from the main road (our land has frontage on a main and a 2nd road).. so we would not be going by her place all the time.  We were planning to work on getting that more straight soon since there are neighbors on that side where she will be.. and it's nice to not always have people know when you are coming and  

But.. yeah.. on over 28 acres.. there should be plenty of room so we don't get all on top of each but I am going to stress to my DH that he needs to do most of his family time at their place.. not  I have no problem if he wants to see the grandkids etc.. but I'm not interested in being gammy... !

But.. you are right.. it's likely she will meet someone.. hopefully not some loser looking to use her for a place to stay.. I guess if things get to a point.. I can tell my husband that she ether needs to start paying some "lot rent".. or who knows.. maybe one of us comes into some money.. I can suggest relocating the home to a lot she actually owns.. elsewhere!

I mean.. she is polite to me.. and is thankful we are helping her.. and my husband is appreciative.. and it IS the best option.. but I just wish it were her sister needing the land.. haha.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Idk, man...i still think you can help her but do it without binding her to your property forever. For. Ever. That's a long time to have someone on your property that you are "meh" about at best. Plus, what BM with grandchildren that age doesn't come visit them? Babysit them? Plus, if this girl has the ideas you say, is attractive, and doesn't have much in the way of prospects, then landing another guy IS her prospect. Everyone says they are never getting married again after a divorce. Very few mean it. I think it will be more than generous enough to commit to a few years of help. Then have the expectation that she launch. Again. 

ESMOD's picture

I know.. you are right.. she says she is "done" now.. but eventually will probably want to start dating.  We are just trying to make somewhat the best of a bad situation.. but she does know her mom is not going to be welcome there.. her mom does not live locally .. so that may not be too hard to manage.

ndc's picture

Oh boy, I don't think this is going to end well, because it doesn't seem like there's anything temporary about it.  Is there any plan for her and her double wide to move on? If not, you're likely going to live the rest of your years (once you move to this land) with SD and her kids underfoot.  Are you taking care of the legalities with a land lease so that she can be removed if things really go south? I hope for your sake it works out.

ESMOD's picture

I am hopeful... really am.  and I think we will be in a position at some point to "help" her move on (I am expecting to come into some money in the next few years is the reality).. so hopefully it won't be forever.. and it's all possible she will want to move on herself.. she is only 29.. and very pretty.. I don't think she is going to lack men who will be interested in her despite the two  

I may ask my DH what he thinks about some land lease.. I was already thinking about some buy out option on the house anyway.. we could use it for rental.. or guest  house in the future ourselves.

And.. my DH is a supportive person to me too.. and he doesn't have 100% rose colored glasses regarding his daughter.. so we may be able to come up with some sort of agreement that works for everyone.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

ESMOD, I urge you to have a formal lease or contract drawn up that spells out the specifics of the arrangement and is signed by both parties.

I have friends who did something similar - they allowed the adult SD to place a modular home on their land. After several years, they had a falling out and the SD moved away, letting HER adult daughter and young family live there. My friends tolerated this, even though they had never been asked if it was okay. After a few years, the granddaughter moved out - at which point the SD filed a lawsuit against my friends, alleging they had gifted the land to her and demanding they either sign the land over or pay an outrageous sum for the modular. My friends, (a REALTOR and an ATTORNEY!) spent about 25k defending themselves, and ultimately also wrote a check to buy a fifteen yo modular home they don't need. All this to say, helping family is very complicated, so please please protect yourself.

la_dulce_vida's picture

This 100%!!

I would speak to an attorney and put it all in writing.

This should not be an indefinite arrangement. I would start with a 5 year plan to allow her to put a mobile home on the property. She pays for the improvements in LIEU OF RENT on the land.

I would add that after the 5 years, the terms have to be renegotiated.

No one can move onto the property - it's only herself and her two kids who can live there - doesn't matter if the actual house is hers, no one else can make their home on your land without your express approval.

I would put it in writing how much of the land she's renting - I suggest the 1/2 acre around her mobile home. You need to specify a boundary so she doesn't start parking friend's cars or RVs on your land.

Specify what you WILL do in terms of the land - maintain the roads as an example. And what you will not do - any repairs to her house or lawn maintenance to the 1/2 acre around her house. You will also not pay for utilities, etc.

Then, also specify which road/entrance she is to use and that the road/entrance you use is private and she should call before coming over.

Also, spell out that she assumes ALL risks for the safety of her children. If her kids venture outside of the 1/2 acre around her house (as an example) you will not be held liable if they fall in the water or get hurt in the woods.

You should REALLY talk to an attorney and get something on paper.

Noway2b1's picture

With this sort of thing. People often have a hard time with contracts among family, I think it's a great way to make sure everyone is on the same page so to speak. My DH was considering helping a daughter out with a townhome, he and another family member were going to buy it and give her the option of rent to own, I began questioning, what if she decides to sell. At what payout price to the buyers (DH and partner) can she sell? What if housing prices go crazy? What if they drop? In the end it just was to complicated and not worth it. It also became a dodged bullet because this daughter (40 something) went off the deep end of entitlement and has been taking advantage of every person that crosses her path. My nickname for her now is "the Tinder swindler" 

JRI's picture

Contracts are a good idea but what if a family member doesnt abide by the terms?  Hard or impossible to enforce given that it's family.  

ESMOD's picture

I agree this is is a good idea.. and my DH agrees too.  We have to lood forward to a time when she might have a new BF.. or if her mom tries to horn in and live for free.. on our land.. nope.  

In a way.. it's good that the home will be potentially relocatable.. so if/when she has more options.. it at least isn't so permanent.

JRI's picture

You always give such thoughtful feedback that I know you've thought this through.  You know the drawbacks but also realize this dysfunctional mom of 2 little kids has few other options.  You are kind-hearted and generous.

We, too, have arranged living accommodations for a troubled SD.  Like your SD, most of her "troubles" are self-inflicted but it is what it is.  And, like you, I question the arrangement in my mind every day.

In your situation, aside from all else, I would be concerned about how much childcare might be in my future.  I dont know if that's a positive or negative for you but that would be my concern, along with all else.  Good luck, ESMOD.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Dont build there. The minute you allowed her to have a home on that land is when you excluded yourself from having any sanity or peace of mind if you should ever go or leave there

She will be a lifelong tenant until daddy passes away. Living rent free is like striking gold nowadays. 


Good luck to you

ESMOD's picture

To be fair.. it isn't exactly rent she will have a payment on the home.  She is also going to be paying for site improvements..but I agree with others.. we need to put some guard rails on this as to what she is exactly renting/using from us... and not allow people to move in without our express permission.  etc..  I have broached the subject of a lease with my DH and he is 100% on board with that.. if only to prevent her moving her mom in.. (his ex..).. haha.


1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

I have absolutely no doubt that if anything happens to your spouse, his daughter and ex will have no issue using that land and home and you will be stuck to deal with them


Rent free with minimal payment on a mobile home....thats gold in 2023....


CLove's picture

And as much thought and consideration as you put into helping us on steptalk, I hope and pray that things go as you think and hope they will.

From your descriptions, OSD will not launch. She is a user. She will suck whomever she can dry and then look around "helplessly" for the next victim, playing on "Im just a poor hardworking single mother of two young children" sympathy violin.

OR she could just not be super bright. Either way, YOU lose.

I have a bad feeling, but trust that you know exactly what you are doing and will be drawing firm boundaries.

Id get a contract written up.

ESMOD's picture

Like I said in the title.. I'm resigned to the situation.. I know it's not ideal.. and having a lease of some sort should be some protection.. or at least set some ground rules.  

Do I wish it were not reality.. sure.. but there literally are no other options for her other than going to live in some sketchy apartments.  we live in a fairly rural but waterfront community so there just isn't a lot of rental property available.. and our home prices have gone crazy the last few years.. she is not qualified with her income to be in anything decent.. in fact.. there is nothing but raw land available so no home.. and she can't afford a home payment plus a land payment.

It's just crappy timing the way it is happening for her.. interest rates up.. inventory expensive.. and not much of it either.  and no rental options.. and her current house just isn't an option long term either.

I know there will be days I will be regretting allowing it.. I will just have to deal with it.  I wish it were more possible to put a time limit on this.. but I don't think she is going to be in a position to do anythign different unless she has a new relationship.. and who knows if/when that will hapen.


CLove's picture

Sending my best wishes to you during this time of uncertainty.

Thumper's picture


Bad idea to have family stay with you on land, in your house, in your rental or what ever.

Why do people do this,,,it drives me crazy.

Better to give her a few months rent if you are so compelled to help.

Things can and usually go south very quickly.

Edit to add: You are so sweet and kind, I hate the thought of anyone causing you more trouble down the line.






Rags's picture

She needs the lesson that people who cannot afford to buy, rent.  It has been going on since the dawn of civilization.

The lesson is even more critical to her since she is a stated entitlement 'prostitute', remember men want to buy her things.  She needs to learn the connection between effort and results. Her lounge until the pension starts paying low level Gov't job should return a low level quality of life. She has chosen low level, and made no effort for higher level. She should live low level.

IMHO of course.

I have a number of outstanding performer Gov't retirees on my team.  All military 20+ year veterans who make in the $50K to $75K per year range in their military or combined military/VA disability retirements.  Those on my management team also make 6 figure private sector salaries with double digit bonus variable comp.

Your SD could certainly do the same if she found the connection between effort and results. Though if her pension is state or Fed she will not be able to draw it until she reached the "rule of" qualifying age.  Those who go the Military route draw their full retirement salary on day one of retirement for the rest of their lives.

A number on my team make notably more than I do between their retirement pay and their salary/bonus.

I applaud them.

ESMOD's picture

Rags.. I totally agree on many levels that people should learn a lesson that output equals results.  

Unfortunately, in our area.. rentals are few and far between.. you are either living pretty much in a place with a lot of petty crime and drug use.. or you live in a nice but expensive area.. our land is in the "nice" all the apartments would be considered in the less desirable spaces and not many places have a 3 br apt which is what everyone thinks they need for her and the 2 boys (I have gone blue saying that sharing a room for two kids under 10 is not a big deal)... and homes for rent are either total crap dilapidated trailers.. or nice homes.. so either way above.. or below... her needs.

And.. I do get that my DH is trying to protect his grandkids from the consequences of their parent's poor decisions. Just because mom has not pushed to achieve more potential.. he doesn't want them in an unsafe environment.. and we aren't talking about putting her up in the lap of luxury for free.. it is going to be a doublewide that she is buying and paying for.. all we are doing is allowing no "lot rent" on our land.. and yeahhhhh one might say.. how much land do you need.. you have 25 acres!  lots of people are lucky to have a 1/4 acre!

So.. am I a bit selfish? sure.. maybe.. I mean.. I did pay for the land.. (so did my DH).. do I love hanging out with his older daughter? um.. no.. I've said it before.. we get along ok.. but she is not exactly my type of person.. when she was a minor.. she was the kid that was more difficult.. she had a few issues on some trips we took.. that pissed me off at the time.. and she is the one with the look down your nose attitude at others who aren't thin enough.. or pretty enough for her standards..  and she isn't in the best control of her kids.. the younger at 3 yo is still not potty trained.. I mean.. she kind of tries.. but not consistently.  so.. I don't forsee family BBQ's on sunday afternoons.. and if my DH tries to pull that crap.. he will find himself wifeless... lol