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The Step Daughter keeping first Grandson Away...

busyw3's picture

If you read my last blog you would have seen how many problems we are having with our kids.. We just received a letter from his daughter telling us how she is still hurt and angry... mind you this letter is to my husband and not to the two of us... She also put in this letter how she feels she must keep his grandson away from him for protection.. This is so sickening, I have been with my husband for 8 years and these two kids of his blame me for not having a relationship with their dad.. I have never stopped them.. I am not that kind of person.. they themselves have created the problems.. Problems that are really not there.. Now she is talking about not letting him or I have a relationship with his grandson.. Mind you we did not ask for this letter it has just showed up with some pictures of our grandson.. My husbands son has been calling and seeing my husband mind you he won't come to the house because I am there and he won't call the house because I might pick up.. Now here is the reason she sent pictures and wrote this letter.. her brother was at her dad's office and saw all the pictures that I have made for his desk, which include pictures of them and our new grandson. He went home and told her of this, so now she writes this letter and says how she is surprised how he has pictures of them.. Also she finally thanks him for the gifts that we have sent over the year to our grandson, but thanks him for them.. Here is why I am pissed, I am the one buying the gifts and I am the one printing and framing these pictures. NOT my husband, he doesn't work like that... Yet I am the bad guy... I am just so sick and tired of it... These kids accept the other step parent but not me, they don't want their dad to have a relationship with me or anyone for that matter.. I just needed to vent... my husband claims he will be writing her a letter about this stuff... We will see.. He is not always that honest about how he feels for fear of never seeing his kids again.. yet they pull that crap not us..


SoDisappointed's picture

I feel for you. I am going through a lot of the same stuff. I am not allowed at my 30SS house or to see their 2 year old. At one point he withheld my DW visitation until she met ALL of his demands, which included NOT bringing me. EVER. The problem is theirs and my DW because she is unable to set healthy boundaries and values her kids acceptance above our marriage. Good luck to you.