The drama doesn't end...
So my dad is incredibly angry with SH... he, my mom, and I went to a pregnancy counseling session yesterday and it felt like an out of body experience. I was thinking about the facebook messages his mom and grandma left me of "everything happens for a reason xoxo." and became incredibly upset. I decided to respond with, that is just a reason for people to not feel guilty about their actions. When are people going to own up? Everyone has a choice of what's right and wrong... where does that fall into "everything happens for a reason and God has his plan??? Some people expect fairytale lives and that's not how life works; not even relationships" God had nothing to do with this. That was followed by a couple of friends who spoke truthfully that "it's a shame that another family is broken apart by a moronic baby because he is too selfish to deal with anything and if you haven't noticed this is becoming a cycle for him. Shame on his parents and enablers who failed to be a good guidance counselor to him." Another gf posted how relationships are not perfect and you don't bail out at the sign of problems. She said we had a good thing going and to just quit is heartbreaking... it takes two to make a relationship work but one for it to fall apart.
Oh goodness his mother didn't like that and neither did one of his friends. She told me that I needed to be straight about SH not abandoning me (I'm sorry... his actions and request for an annulment isn't abandonment???)... that she was present when he told me several times he would be there for the baby and me both financially and emotionally for support. She said she was appalled that I would put my personal issues on a public forum and she'd like to see what their lawyers would say if the defamation of her son continued. Ok mommy... just keep defending your son because this is totally not a cycle he is creating. Which btw, I never said anything slanderous about her son... and what my friends had to say was truth and sometimes the truth hurts. If anything, she put all our business out there. Either way I deleted teh status because I don't want to deal with that drama. I have enough to deal with.
Day goes on and I still can't keep any food or drink down. Bawling my eyes out. I'm surprised there's any water in my body left. I send him a few text messages regarding a key to our house that I need to get in there. He refuses to answer back so I finally call him and leave a message. He isn't even man enough to respond himself. I get a text message from his mom saying she's helping him with the house and to set up a time to meet me to give me my stuff (excuse me?!)... she said she'd hoped we could have been amicable but by the fb status, I choose to be bitter, hateful, and vindicitive instead (I'm sorry... who's the one who had the locks changed on the house and I'M vindictive???)... she said she had hoped to still have me around and eventually the baby because they all like me. If you change your mind please let us know because we all care about you whether you are married to SH or not. in fact, he is shocked and saddened that it appears you two can't be friends (he treated me like crap, ends our marriage, changes the locks, and won't answer the phone... SHOCKING!!!). Go ahead and disconnect his phone whenever you want.
I refuse to be talking to his mom about these matters. This is between me and SH. And I text him that. I also remind him that we are still married and the place of residence is still mine as well. It upsets me that he thinks things can just go into friendship after all this. It hurts. It hurts feeling like me and the baby weren't worth fighting for, like he tried over and over with his ex. It hurts that he won't give me the time of day to respond. When I tried calling, he plain out shut the phone off. So now I have no way to reach him at all which will obviously be necessary.
My mom decided to call her up and left her a message that we all needed to come together and have a plan because this is about the baby now and hopes that we can all get along for the baby's sake.
She texted my mom back late that evening that she agrees... she was very tired but will call back the following day (today).
Last night I went to the hospital since my midwife had told me to if I couldn't get hydration for over 24 hours. I was dizzy, couldn't see right... I've lost 4 lbs in a few days. Overall pregnancy I've lost 13 lbs. I went because I'm scared for my baby and I had to do something to keep hydrated. I hate the hospital but it wasn't for me. My mom came with me and I recieved a little bit of TLC. Got back in around 1am. And it's back to reality.
I feel emotionally shot and as if my heart was ripped right out of my chest and shred to pieces. My head throbs from all the stress and thinking. I wish I can just fall right into the earth and disappear into the mud. I can't find motivation to do anything... but today, I force ate a bowl of cereal and I suppose that's a step closer. I sat there staring at the bowl for a minute thinking I had been a bit over confident in the amount I poured to eat. But one spoon at a time is what I kept telling myself until I almost finished it. I felt nauseous eating it but determined that the baby needed the food. I cannot go 3 days without eating.
I go back to lay down and still the tears stream out of my eyes. How am I going to do this without a partner? I would be so excited at the start of a new week announcing to him what size fruit the baby is this time and what baby could do now. I looked at that silly app reminder on my phone and lost it even more. We were good friends... I contemplated that if we could be friends again... would it hurt less??? NOPE. I can't do it. But I don't want to fight... I don't have it in me. I don't want to ruin his life. And I don't know what to do with myself. How to deal with myself. I have a hard time eating much less look into school. I think about his offer to be there for financial and emotional support and wonder wth he means by emotional support when I feel like he has treated me like dirt and left.
I think about his call acknowledging he hated how our marriage was and that he has been treating me the way he has. That we haven't been loving to one another. And he NEVER wanted to treat his wife in this way. We just seem to always bump heads... saying if I'm not upset about one thing this week, it's something else. Me responding with his being unreasonable to compromise and always want it his way. And he agreeing that I'm probably right but that it doesn't take away from the fact that we are not good as a couple. He says we are missing respect and he isn't in love with me the way he wants to be and the passion is just not there...
No it's not. We've been having probems... I'm pregnant and been sick. Passion with 2 young children can be difficult. And I'm upset that acknowledging these things, he gives up before marriage counseling. I stick my ground and stay here but it brings no solace.
- MrsFitMama's blog
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You can do it! Thousands of
You can do it! Thousands of woman raise their kids without a father in their lives. I know you feel bad for your unborn baby not having his father in his life but THINK about all the emotional heartache you will be saving your baby from. He/she won't have to witness his/her mother being treated/abused like shit by their father.
Do not take him back FitMama. are going are going through normal emotions right now. STAY STRONG> DO NOT are at the most vulnerable time of going back...I can "hear it" in the way you write how he's suckering you back in with his words...and now his 'rejection' of you by not talking to you -making YOU crawl back to him as if YOU did something bad when HE abused you.
Keep your story straight. I'm going to shoot you a PM ok. HUGS
If Butterflykisses is on this
If Butterflykisses is on this forum, please contact Mrsfitmama.
A poster named butterflykisses had the almost the same scenario as you.
I too, was abandoned while pregnant with my first child by my first ex husband. And this was shortly after the "Jimmy Carter" economy.
You can do it!!
Things DO happen for a
Things DO happen for a reason, you may not see that reason now, but eventually it will become crystal clear to you. When my exH cheated on me I spent a week in misery, lost 10 pounds, had people checking on me day and night and I wasn't even pregnant, so I totally understand what you are feeling right now. I used to think that if one more person said to me, "something good will come out of this, you will see" that I was going to punch them in the head. But looking back now, 5 years later, I can see that something good DID come out of it. While my ExH is still an alcholic, still hanging out at the bars every night, still has no health insurance, no retirement, up to his eyeballs in credit card debt and a skanky girlfriend that EVERYONE laughs about behind his back...
I have a wonderful DH who does not drink at all, who treats me like a queen and who gave me the most beautiful BS1 I could ever ask for. Cheers to you ExH, thanks for cheating and forcing me to realize that my life with you sucked.
On to bigger and better things my dear, chin up! There's a big world out there, you do NOT need to be treated like this poor excuse for a man is treating you and your baby CERTAINLY deserves better than this! I know it's hard, but you WILL get through this!
You can do this. I've done
You can do this. I've done it, countless others have done it. It's not easy, but you CAN do it!
First, stop engaging in the petty. No more FB crap, no more shutting of his phone just to piss him off, no more his-mommy/your-mommy. Believe it or not, you are contributing to this problem. If you want to start destressing, work on NOT escalating the issue.
I left an abusive, ahole ex. Took me years, and it was REALLY tough. I had kids, no job, no CS. My family didn't jump in and handle things for me.
You can really do this. Just take a deep breath, remember he will ALWAYS be in your life because of the baby, and vow to make it as peaceful as you possibly can.
Frankly, the pressure from
Frankly, the pressure from his side of the family is NOT good for you. The only reason they are doing it is to make sure that they will be able to have contact without the baby after it is born. Please remember that these are the very people that raised SH and allowed him to become the person he is. Do you really want them to have the slightest influence over your child????? You have NO obligation to them - period. Cut off all contact for your own sake.
You do not need them to get your possessions back. That is what the sheriff is for. He had no right to change the locks. You can bring a locksmith with you and, in the presence of the sheriff, have him let you into the residence. The sheriff will stay with you the entire time to protect you while you get your possessions.
Bottom line - you do NOT NEED THESE PEOPLE FOR ANYTHING. You do not need their permission to do anything regarding your pregnancy. Stay off Facebook and stop giving them ammunition. Delete them as "friends" and lock your profile if there are people on there that you want to still communicate with. And again, child support does not "purchase" any custody or visitation. They are totally separate. File immediately for alimony pendent lite (support while filing for divorce) and when the baby is born, file for child support and full custody of the child based on abuse. And in the mean time file for a restraining order to bolster your future position!
I spoke with a priest today
I spoke with a priest today who said he really sounded like a whacko and what is wrong with his parents. He thought it best to move out of state and disappear. He said there are particular people who like rottweilers- ones that need to exude power and intimidation. That brought me back to an aunt's ex-husband who owned 2 rotties as well. He was abusive both physically and emotionally.
I deactivated my fb... I can't take it anymore.
I also am in the middle of transferring his phone account. I didn't shut the phone off to piss him off... I was talking about transferring it. The phone still works, although he hasn't been using it per account activity. Hopefully he will accept the transfer instead of me getting slapped with a $200 shut off fee. With the rate things are going, I wouldn't count on it though.
It sounds like right now you
It sounds like right now you are more hurt by feeling his rejection; not answering the phone or texts, talking about annullment, not pursuing you the way he did his ex. Your pain from his "rejection" right now, is clouding your other pain. He has hurt you more by the things he has said and done to you before this last straw and departure. Don't just focus on wanting to be wanted by him. Try and focus on what it really is like to be with him. Maybe he knows himself and you enough to know that it really would end badly, given his temper. Maybe this is the best he can do by you, to stay away.
:'( as he openly admitted...
Well then. Let him go. Sounds
Well then. Let him go. Sounds like he is trying not to fuck things up even more by staying in this. If he knows he can't deal with you two being together, without things escalating and becoming potentially dangerous...let him go. It is not good for you and it would not even be fair to him to be in a situation he is letting you know he cannot handle. I know it hurts. Do the right thing, he might be trying to do the right thing too.
I am doing the right thing.
I am doing the right thing. That's why I'm not pursuing and staying away... but his offer to be friends again I won't accept. It won't be good for me...
It doesn't mean I don't miss him and love him... wishing I can hate him.
I miss my husband... i just wish it was minus the bad stuff. But I can't change that.
I miss what I thought my family image was.
I am so restless right now.
I am so restless right now. My mom took me out today thank goodness. But when I'm at home nothing interests me. I can't watch tv or play a game.
I come on here and browse some sites and start bawling because everything is a reminder. Stupid!!! I hate it!!! I doubt he's going through any of this.
He may hurt too, but it
He may hurt too, but it doesn't matter . Start thinking about you. Time heals.
You are hurt and mad and it
You are hurt and mad and it feels even worse because his offer of friendship smacks of rejection. Forget the friendship thing right now. Start changing that family image from the happy all of you together ( which is not what it was/would be), to the unstable, angry and scary all of you together ( which is what it most likely would be) to the image of you and the baby together; a you that is not sad and stressed and scared, but really present for your child.
I agree with all of you...
I agree with all of you... been speaking with my mom and plan to move out of state. She has a place for us to stay with a friend who is a male who is extremely kind. I know he would offer me words of kindness and support and has already wondered why my mom hasn't brought me there. I'm trying to fade the image of the husband I thought I had... trying to picture it now with my mom and sisters who are more than excited to have me in their life. Even my SD (to me my dad) whom I was never that close to is understanding. I was afraid he was going to condone me as a failure at marriage and that I should have finished school like he always said. My mom has a friend who will give me a job too. Perhaps this is the door God has open for me? Funny thing, I have a lot of friends where I will be moving to. I'm trying to see a silver lining.
Envision how trapped I would be by this man and the violence and anger he would put me through in front of my child.
My paper trail has been steady should I need it.
Btw... sorry I'm going on this emotional roller coaster as I sort through things...
If you possibly can, I would
If you possibly can, I would stop contacting him or letting him know your thoughts in any way. I would refuse to speak to any of his f'd up family members that enable him.
Text him and say I need my belongings and will be there with law enforcement at x time . I am sure they are all hoping you forget his 'communicating threats' which will land his bully ass in jail.
Don't cry honey - get mad! Just who does he think he is to treat you this way then claim to be your 'friend'????!!!
Exactly!! What an insult! He
Exactly!! What an insult! He doesn't deserve my friendship!
I never want to see him again so I will most likely send my dad to get my things which is seems is now in his mother's possession.
I know i know.. I couldn't
I know i know.. I couldn't help it... but for those of you who have a morbid curiosity... I want to post this youtube video...
I'm hoping to hear the insults about him...
"I'm hoping to hear the
"I'm hoping to hear the insults about him..."
ok. Eeeeew, gross. So into himself.