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Mother's Day

Georgie Girl's picture

Mixed feelings here. First, I want to be positive and say what I enjoyed about yesterday:

1. Getting up early and reading the paper and enjoying the nice weather on my balcony.
2. Swimming with ss and playing in the pool with ss and dh.
3. The flower basket that my daughter picked out for me for Mother's Day.
4. The wonderful dinner that Dh prepared.
5. Spending time with my mom.
6. The nice vm that my bs left for me.
7. The loving hug that bd gave me when she said Happy Mother's Day and her comment to me that she appreciates me everyday.
8. The fact that ss said Happy Mother's Day to me and "I love you."

These things make my heart happy. Smile

These next things make me frustrated, angry, hurt and leave me wondering what I should do about them, if anything.

1. Sd and her bossy, "everything should revolve around me" attitude and watching dh kiss her butt like she is his new gf or something.
2. The fact that sd wrote my name on the card that was picked out for me and Happy Mother's Day on the card for bm. (I know that one's kind of petty but it bugged me)
3. The fact that sd did not even say Happy Mother's Day to me AT ALL and then asked me to cook for her, which I didn't.
4. That Dh did not bother to get me a card this year from him.
5. Having to listen to mil bring up bm whenever she could for whatever reason she can think of.
6. The general feeling of emptiness that accompanies these sorts of occasions.

Thankfully, the good still outweigh the bad.


melis070179's picture

ahhh....whats with your MIL? That would annoy me to no end!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Harleygal's picture

I'm glad that the good still outweighs the bad. That's what matters.

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac