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Dh's talk with sd

Georgie Girl's picture

Well, Dh talked to sd and I have to say that I am confused... I can't say that I really expected that he would do much but he is just so deep in denial that it is just flabbergasting.

I do have to give kudos to sd; she admitted the pot was hers but her attitude about it was surprising. She told her dad that it did not affect her and she still did her work and went on to JUSTIFY why she should do it! So I told Dh that I will not allow illegal drugs in my home for ANY reason. No remorse on her part at all, weird. Her attitude amazes me. The condoms are another story... She said that her friends mom gave them to her as a joke. Okay, right. If I were Dh I would have wanted to talk to the mom to see why she felt it was funny to supply my daughter with condoms. I don't beleive it for a minute.

So, the result you ask? She does not get to go with her friend out of town and dh is "thinking" that she should have a few weeks of restriction. All I can say is that I hope he and bm pull their heads out of their asses for sd's sake. So now I have to watch sd and keep an eye out for any signs in my own bd, just in case.

I don't get it. Don't dh and bm realize that they are NOT doing their daughter any favors??


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

I've gotta say-this is all waaaay to familiar. Keep this post for future reference, because they are just asking for more trouble further down the line.

Guess H isn't the only idiot around when it comes to teenage daughters, sex and all that entails.

JMC's picture


It's amazing that the birth parents just don't get it, do they? My DH actually caught SD17 (then 14) in the act with her b/f - no punishment, no consequences! SD17 is caught with alcohol, cigarettes, and stealing her grandfather's meds - again, no punishment, no consequences!

SD17 comes prancing in with a big bag of condoms, actually showing them off to DH, me and the grandparents - again, nothing!!!

I can already hear the convo when the inevitable happens: 'What?! What do you mean you're pregnant!? What do you mean you've been busted for drugs?!, What?! A DUI?!!!' and so on and so forth.

I don't get it either, Georgie Girl. I'm certainly no prude, but holy crap, where is the common decency and common sense?

Sasha's picture

I. AM. SHOCKED. :jawdrop:

Yeah, and you were born yesterday, right?

Funny how kids think we were never kids once too!

JMC's picture


I've made that statement to DH many times - he insists that he IS SD17's parent - yeah, right! That's why she respects you so much! NOT!!!!

EvilDiva's picture

My previous novella was about my DH's failure to deal in reality. He is so afraid SD14 will leave the house that he refuses to parent at all. Yesterday he called me and thanked me for parenting her and being a good role model. I told him I am going to parent her b/c she is in the house with my children; however, I told him it was very unfortunate he was taking the chickensh*t way out as a result of that.

SD18's tragic journey started with a baggie of marijuana. She was allowed to get away with it. That was when she was like 14. Fast forward and she has had 2 pregnancies, lives with a boyfriend, is a frequent and public user/abuser of cigarettes, marijuana and ecstacy.

So tell your husband to buckle up and enjoy the ride b/c it is definitely coming.

SRS177's picture

once fore them to get away with something and the next thing you know they are allowed to publicly do this stuff and are not at all held accountable for their actions. Then they are going to get out in the real world and realize it is not all peaches and cream, but by that time it is too late.

As far as my children being in the home too, after every incident with SS17 getting caught doing stupid sh*t, I take my three into a room and calmly explain to them that is not appropriate behavior and that I can't say anything to him, because I'm not allowed to, but they better d@mn well be aware that I'm their mother and I will NEVER tolerate that stuff because I will beat their @sses regardless of what age they are. I make sure my three are parented one way or another. Too bad DH can't use that as a hint to parent his two... But, he is one of those as well... afraid kids won't like him adn will leave.

melis070179's picture

I think he needs to put his foot down about the pot & tell her she will be drug tested randomly & frequently. This is ridiculous!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"