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MrsFitMama's Blog

It failed

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I pretty much predicted it... the order fell through but I hadn't expected it to hold. Since there needs to be proof, and beyond a reasonable doubt in order to uphold the order, it was just a he said she said. Of course he blatantly lied to the judge and that was incredibly upsetting.
The judge didn't let me use my notes either!
My ex tried to present a letter from a counselor that wasn't entered as evidence prior to the date, not signed or notorized. The judge asked if I would allow him to see this- UM NO. And who knows what my ex tried to manipulate the counselor to say.

Attention! The fun starts! Ya'll will be proud of me...

MrsFitMama's picture

Alright. I know it's been almost a year since updating. Lots been going on. Pregnancy was tough. Gotta tell ya, bein alone, travelled back to Houston was brutal. I learned who my true friends were as they disappeared in my time of need. Alas, I am greatful for true friends.

All the issues and baggage HE had and he acts like I did all the wrong???

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I'm so angry and upset... just contemplating everything. I had a good life going for me... I was going through school with a goal to be in the FBI, had a good single life, only myself to worry about, and job offers. Gave that all up for one idiot man who took me for granted. I gave up everything I knew to marry and move to be with him out of state.

I thought it would get easier???

MrsFitMama's picture

While I'm not crying 24/7, I have yet to go a day without crying. Nothing has changed as far as SH is concerned. No communication. But that wouldn't be expected. It just hurts. I go through ups and downs of being angry, then being sad and depressed. I get so angry that SH would leave me during pregnancy- that's pretty much a shit thing to do. Leave me and my newborn to fend for ourselves.

I'm back at it... Mom's gone

MrsFitMama's picture

Things just won't look up for me at all.. seems the plan with my mom's friend won't work out. I am in such dispair!!! At this point I don't even know how I'm going to get up in the morning. Since mom and dad are split up she has been staying at his house and helping me. They got into a huge argument this morning and said she could stay no longer. So she packed up her things and my sisters and now I'm here alone. My dad goes off in his own world and my 16 year old brother is a roided up headcase.

The drama doesn't end...

MrsFitMama's picture

So my dad is incredibly angry with SH... he, my mom, and I went to a pregnancy counseling session yesterday and it felt like an out of body experience. I was thinking about the facebook messages his mom and grandma left me of "everything happens for a reason xoxo." and became incredibly upset. I decided to respond with, that is just a reason for people to not feel guilty about their actions. When are people going to own up? Everyone has a choice of what's right and wrong... where does that fall into "everything happens for a reason and God has his plan???

All of his excuses and yet I'm still crying

MrsFitMama's picture

I can't stop crying. I play back in my mind the cruel things he has done and said and wonder how someone can be so terrible. I think about how he can praise me in all areas and says my one flaw is the love department, everywhere else is perfect. Blames me that I'm not affectionate enough. That his one condition is sexuality and intimacy and I'm not giving it to him and there is no chemistry. It hurts that he throws that in my face knowing I had been sick morning, noon, and night for 3 months straight bc of morning sickness- and even then I tried to make attempts. No chemistry in bed??

I'm not going to grant him an annulment

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I've decided divorce against this man... his stepmom is even caught off guard by his actions, but then she admits she doesn't know him that well.

He doesn't care about me and the baby. After all the stress he has caused... who says to their pregnant wife, on top of everything else he has done, I want an annulment?

I left him last night

MrsFitMama's picture

I will try to start at the beginning of his bad behavior... so we were in the process of relocating from CA to AZ... being 4 months pregnant, packing proved to be very tiresome since I was doing a lot of it alone in a house that has no AC. The day before we leave, I complain to SH (stupid husband) about how some of the items he has in the house (aka the hundreds of stuffed animals) should be donated. SH had been worried about whether there would be enough space in the trailer he had rented. I told him there would be no reason to bring all those stuffed animals and to give some away.

BM not over my hubby?! Bwahahaha!

MrsFitMama's picture

Like everyone else here, BM is a piece of crap... does drugs, drinks, lets the kids do whatever they want. There were several police reports done over 2 years about accidents that have happened to the skids in her care. She has a fiance who has a criminal record with 4/5 dui including vehicular manslaughter among many other things. She's had roommates come and gone, one of which was in a suspected murder/gang related. That's it in a nutshell.
