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MrsFitMama's Blog

OUR kids can, but my kids don't have to

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I grew up in a very respectful home. Children are to address adults as Mr or Mrs/Ms. So it drives me nuts that DH finds it ok that SD6/3 call adults by their first names- not myself but other adults. He puts children just about the same level as adults and I think that's crazy. I explained as teachers are addressed as Mr or Mrs because it's a sign of respect, it should be continued. Am I just too old school? I won't allow the girls to address my friends in such a casual way. Regardless, dh says well we can start that rule with our baby but my kids don't need to follow that rule.

Childish mb but I hide food now

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And I'm annoyed because this is my second time typing this over bc our house sucks and can't keep an internet connection so the page got lost.

Anyway, growing up as the eldest of 8 kids I learned if I didn't hide food I bought, it would be gone the next day. Mom bought good food, but kids always want something else and different.

What a turn of events. The unthinkable- we're moving!

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It had always been unthinkable! Sacramento is a dive... depressing, ugly and repressed. But we're stuck here because of the girls and the stupid custody arrangement. Ever since I disengaged, things have gotten 100 times better! DH and I don't fight, we're more loving... and he decided it would be best for us both to move despite the CO.

On another note, now I'M supposed to take parenting classes?!?

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They can all just go screw themselves because I'm not going. My DH, his ex and her fiance are the fuck-ups. NOT me. I have a clean record. I'm the oldest of 8 kids and have taken teacher/student observation courses. I was peer certified and currently a mentor on a girls website. they can all kiss my ass. Corrupt mediator too.

9 weeks now and restless

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Since finding out I've been pregnant- I'm at 9 weeks. Major whirlwinds of nausea day and night. Wishing for the slightest relief. I've been at the doctors office weekly to keep in check since going to the hospital. I've lost weight since I can't keep food down. This past week I've been really pushing it to stay down so I've put back on 2 lbs. I try to keep myself calm and little stress as possible which at times gets hard. I'm frustrated at having married a man who has experienced childbirth twice now because we don't share that same excitement and enthusiasm, concern even.

I'm trying to be smart. Why is it so scary?

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I wish I had someone to walk through this with me...
I have gone to see a prenatal specialist who arranged an appointment with a social worker. I explained the exact situation to the specialist who used to work in a domestic violence division and she said me pushing, was not DV. I'll be visiting with the social worker to figure out my next move. 12/13 hour drive to Phoenix is a long one to make alone and it sounds as if my mom may not be able to come here after all. I'm scared, I'm exhuasted and I'm so incredibly confused.
I feel stupid for rushing into this.

After the hospital incident... I'm leaving him

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I'm not going to lie. I am bawling. I never thought a husband can be so heartless. During our blow out yesterday I shouted how I hated him, hated his face, hated everything about him. He told me to get out by Saturday then. He followed me to the room yelling at me how I'm immature and irresponsible. That I don't have a job and just have unemployment... which I've been actively looking and get a few hours a week. I say how if I was the irresponsible one, then why did he have 2 kids with a woman he knew he wasn't going to marry. You know what he says???

Uncaring H??? My hospital visit. I despise my husband...

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I am soooooo upset right now, on the verge of tears (seems to be the usual thing for me right now). I feel a bit traumatized and my body is really fatigued from it. I was working yesterday which requires me to be on my feet for hours at a time. In the middle of the shift, I go to use the bathroom and see blood. But then more blood, and a little more. I don't know what the heck this is... of course I start freaking out because it's definitely more than spotting and almost seems there's a tiny bit of tissue. I walk back and my boss notices I'm not myself and I start tearing up.

I jinxed myself

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Lowely morning. Exhausted from our “vacation.” I wake up with effort and shuffle to the bathroom to do my business. As I sit there, I think about the birth control pill pack I’m about to start and about the internet cheapie (IC) ovulation and pregnancy tests I still haven’t used. I won’t be using those for a while. Regardless, I take out 2 different brand IC ovulation tests. I peed in a cup and did the usual. Setting them aside, I eyed the small pink packet that holds the pregnancy test. With a sigh I grab it out too and decide to try it out.
