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Ex's sister coming to town for visit

Sherrylyn's picture

I receied an e-mail from my husbands ex's sister last week. She and her husband are coming for a visit and want to visit with us. The ex runs hot and cold with her sister, and I'm not even sure if the ex knows she's coming to town.

They'll be in town for a week and I have TOLD my family that we will be MAKING THE TIME. The boys haven't seen their mom for 2 months or so. Maybe this will force a visit. I would feel better if they did keep the contact up, they will never know when they will want it.

Summer Scheduling

FlaminMama's picture

So this summer we have decided with biomom to let the kids come live with us for a week at a time and alternate back and forth between the two households. This all steps from the fact the the ss (11 yrs old) wnats to come live with us. How conveinent for her that she has her parents set up camping trips for a week long on the weeks we are supposed to have them. Just so he can't see what it would be like to live with us. What to do???

Idiocy-Is it Genetic for Stepkids to be like their BioMom??

Sweetie's picture

Well, for all my husband's faults, and at times he drives me crazy with stupidity--but I've got to admit the amount of time wasted with the medical cards and other stupid stuff that I have listened to from both of my stepkids over the years, I'd almost swear that it has to be genetic, some chromosomonal abnormality "x" factor or something which makes them incredibly stupid, and lacking common sense, class, and just plain courtesy like their mother. I don't get it.

Stepson is sick, biomom sends him to school?

happy mom's picture

What is she stupid or something??? Stepson was sick a week ago and still sick today w/cough and congestion, but yet biomom sends him to school. Stepson is not fully recovered from his sickness 2 weeks ago. How is he ever going to recover when she sends him to school instead of getting rested at home? Biomom lives w/retired parents, why can't she have them watch him? Is she worried about his load for school work??? What the heck!

I have layed off the switching schedule issue...

happy mom's picture

I will no longer care about what the visitation schedule from here on. It's just a wasted energy and I will no longer get stressed about that. I'll leave it up to my husband to handle that and I will no longer be a part for it fighting for visitation fairness. Ex will never change her irritating habit about setting/changing visitation schedule every month. She is just a low life, self centered B****. As long as I don't have to watch stepson, I will not be responsible for him.

How Many Times Can Lose Insurance Medical Card

Sweetie's picture

Let's See Now--
In the last eighteen months, I believe that I have called BCBS a minimum of 5 times to replace my 17 yr old SD medical card because it has been lost. So, can we agree that someone is not responsbile?
Who could that be? And now, because I'm out of state, I have to give her my old card, with all the customer service numbers because we can't get one of those anymore, because we're in GA, DANG it! DUH!!!

Mt Dew for a child with ADHD

FlaminMama's picture

Well, I have a question lets say you have a overly hyper child (the doctor confirms ADHD) put them on the meds would you give them the medication and then follow it up with a Jault drink. Hello how stupid can you be. The child is already overly active not really in a horrible way, but add the vault to the equasion and it equals diaster. So here we are out in public at the crack of dawn and her mother has brought a large bag of chips and a vault to drink. Then not even 20 mins after she has downed this drink, she is yelling at her to settle down and calm down. Just being completely stupid.
