Jsmom's Blog
BS18 off to college....and other ramblings on with developments of SD17
Well my BS18 leaves for college tomorrow and I am suffering from conflicted emotions. I am ready for him to go and he is damn well making sure I am good with it, by frustrating the living hell out of me since turning 18 last February. Everyone tells me that this is what they do. But, honestly, I will miss him, but he needs to go. Every time he irritates the hell out of me with something, I keep thinking, why am I going into my savings to pay all your fees (his tuition is paid for) if you are going to behave this way, then I remember that if I don't he has to live at home... :?
Life is good now....SD is really a non-issue in my life.
Just an update and to give a little bit of hope for those dealing with BM's and SD's from hell. My SD does not live with us after suing us two years ago to live with mom. Still irritated by the way it was all handled, but it is not really a day to day issue anymore.
Lots of posts about money today....
Seriously, so many on here today are frustrated about money and husbands either spending too much or dictating how they spend on their bio's. My advice is separate your finances. It is the best thing you can do for yourself and your kids. DH and I never combined anything and we never argue over money. We may get frustrated when we don't have more, but no arguing over who spent what.
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SS sick and curious what other custodial SM's would do....
My SS14 has been lethargic for a couple of weeks now. DH had taken him to the doctor last week for his physical but didn't mention any of the issues since he no longer had a fever when they were in there. Well the kid had lost 5 pounds since his physical a year earlier. This kid is never sick. I kept saying something is wrong with him. His fever came back and DH kept giving him Tylenol and it would go back to down. Finally on Sunday, I said I am calling the doctor in the morning. They made him come in as soon as he was back from school.
Stepparent Poll....How many of us have Pre-nups for our marriages?
I have listened to countless women on here, who have no financial stability in their marriage and it makes me so sad. One of the things I got out of this site when I first started on here over 7 years ago, was to keep my financial independence. I did get a very long pre-nup and even had some interesting things put in there because of situations I read on here and on another blog I am on for young widows. We are about to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary in a few months and we still have issues with BM and SD.
Follow up to SD wants to watch her dog over the holiday....
Last night, I have Christmas dinner with my mom and then plans to go to an Advent Service at Church after. DH was told in advance of this. But, when he realizes I am leaving for awhile, says, I need to talk to you privately. I say fine, I have to change, come up and leave my mom downstairs with BS17 cleaning up. He says he has decided that SD16 will watch one of the dogs while we are on the cruise. I start arguing rationally and he says all the lovely things! "You hate my daughter". "You are just being vengeful towards her". On and on. THis lasts about ten minutes and I leave.
We have a huge fight and it is always BM's fault....UGH!!! LONG VENT
BM sent two video games this week for SS. Shipped them to us...No card or explanation from who one of them is from and of course it has every bad classification on the game. Sex, violence, you name it. My policy has always been that no more than three of these on the box after age 14. He is 14 and there are 6 on the game. DH agreed to go online and see what the reviews are on the game. He asked me if I agreed to let his decision stand. I said fine, thinking he would make the right decision...
Huge long vent about SD and BM and DH being a jerk....
Quick update: SD has mono and has been out of school for awhile. No big deal for us, since she is not in our household and I could care less about the kid. We have full custody of SS14 and BM only has seen him a few times for a dinner always on a friday night since he turned 14 in July. Well, SD who has nothing to do with DH has been texting him pity me texts about being exhausted. Great fun, buy into it whatever, again not my problem.
Well BM strikes back.....Should have place a bet on it...
Well, DH comes home today and completely ruins my good mood...
Apparently the SD16 that he has not seen in over a year, texted him to have lunch together. He is all happy and thinks everything is great again. This leads to a complete melt down and argument from me. I am still irritated about something that went on yesterday and I had let it go.
Down to one last weekend visitation for SS13....Counting down.
Tonight starts the last weekend that SS has to spend CO with BM. Then in two weeks he has one week vacation with her. Then he is done!!!! He turns 14 and no longer has to see her with any schedule. It is up to him. I am so glad we are almost done.