Down to one last weekend visitation for SS13....Counting down.
Tonight starts the last weekend that SS has to spend CO with BM. Then in two weeks he has one week vacation with her. Then he is done!!!! He turns 14 and no longer has to see her with any schedule. It is up to him. I am so glad we are almost done.
He is a good kid and since getting the full custody has improved tremendously. His grades at year end came up to only one C!!! His test scores were excellent, so we know he is capable of it. Compared to the scores when we had 50/50 it was unbelievable to see what can happen with consistency. His acne is better since we make him use medicine and take regular showers. His attitude is better. He is happy!
One last weekend to spend with BM and SD16...He has been moping all day in his room, so I know he doesn't want to go. My stomach is in knots and I am not getting much work done...
On the vacation next week, the stipulation from DH and the lawyers was that she had to take him somewhere and spend time with him. She has a tendency to only take him and then he spends the whole weekend in his room doing nothing. So he has been told if that happens, he is to come home. We live just in the next subdivision over. He plans on telling her off when he is done on the last day. I don't think he will really tell her what he thinks, but he has told us that he wants her to know that this is her doing. She ignored him for too long and never took him into consideration. His sister was and still is abusive to him and she never did anything. So many issues that lead to this. The lies and all the issues with SD16 led us here.
He is such a good kid, that has issues, but with consistency, he is growing up. He is becoming more compassionate, still has issues, but it is so much better than it was. I actually like being around him now. I have re-engaged partially with him. DH still does all the parenting, I just interject once in awhile. I am mom and he has even accidentally called me it a few times. He has referred to me as his mom to his friends, so we are making progress. DH and I have discussed that once this is all over with BM and we can move on with our lives, he has the right to decide what to call me. It is in their original CO that they can't call anyone but the bio's mom and dad. But, I am mom now. I consider him my son. I have mixed feelings about this. It is not right that he call me mom, since he has a mom. But, she has neglected him and lied to him, so does she deserve that title, when I am the one who does things with him and is their everyday.
I see light at the end of the tunnel here with BM. Three more weeks and she is out of our lives. DH doesn't see SD16 because she won't encourage or force her. Well when this is over, we will do exactly the same for her. DH and I have said it is up to him. We will not even drive him to her. She will have to make all of the effort. Since she won't call the house and SS doesn't Facebook or email and rarely has his phone on, not sure how this is even going to happen.
My prediction is that when SS refuses to see her in a few months, then suddenly SD16 will reach out to see DH. Then she will encourage or force SD to do the right thing. Only when it affects her...Also, since SS hates his sister for everything she has done, he will not be wanting to spend anytime doing anything that she is involved in. He starts HS in the fall and she is there. He has said he will never acknowledge her and she will be lucky is she isn't called names in the hallway. Same scenario that she had with BS17. I can not imagine being hated by your sibling the way she is.
Well 6:00 PM is fast approaching and I am making him homemade soup and homemade bread since I feel so bad he has to go and at least I know he has eaten something good before he goes....
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